Monday, July 28, 2014

Radio Personalities

Andrew and Christina will be "famous in Hungary" because their voices will be played for Hungarian students who are learning English. One of the guests is a Hungarian who teaches English and recorded their voices for her students. I am kidding them that they will be internationally known. Day four of the camp is now history and an eventful few days it has been. Most of the team is fighting through jet lag and I am so encouraged in the way they are each stepping up to the plate and doing their part. Teachers and students are bonding and we all shared the powerful story of Nicodemus today and drove home the need to be born again through belief in Christ during our reading time. How fitting that I read this morning in Jeremiah how God's word is hard like a rock that crushes--it is able to do a powerful work. Then in Acts 16 I read how God opened Lydia's heart to believe as He also worked in the Philippians jailer's family. What a good reminder to just stay faithful proclaiming the powerful truth of God's word that will penetrate hearts and trust God to open hard hearts. Many students are eager to learn and receptive to God's word but not yet surrendered to Christ. We have had good conversations with campers and I see the team trying to encourage believers and love on the seekers. Today in the city of Pecs one of our Hungarian team members fell and fractured a bone in her arm. She will hopefully mend quickly but please pray for her full recovery. In His Glad

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