Thursday, December 26, 2013
"And thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah; and he did what was good, right, and true before the Lord his God" (2Chronicles 31:20). Right actions--did what was good, right, and true. Right motivation-- "...before the Lord his God". Good reminder to me of what I should focus on and why--do what is right before the Lord (not to please men).
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas
I want to wish all of my facebook friends a very Merry Christmas. To My Hungarian friends, Boldog karácsonyt! Jesus told His disciples, "Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me...I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me" (John 14:1,6).
Monday, December 23, 2013
Whose Approval do I Love?
Many of the rulers in Jesus' day were silently supportive of Jesus, "...they were not confessing Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God" Jn.12:42-43. As we gather with family and friends to celebrate Christmas may we sensitively, yet boldly declare that Jesus is the reason for the season. I hope and pray that I will never love the approval of men rather than the approval of God.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Solemn warning in Malachi 4:1-2, "the day is coming...and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff...But for you who fear My name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing it its wings..." Here the danger of rebellion against God prompts us to ask--"Am I guilty?" The delight coming to those who fear God gives courage to face life's current difficulties.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
A Great King
"...for I am a Great King, says the Lord of hosts, and My name is feared among the nations" (Malachi 1:14). "The most important thing about a person is their concept of God." The Lord is a Great King and feared among the nations, but in my eyes is He truly Great? Is He truly feared? What do my actions reveal about my attitude towards God? The priests in Malachi's day offered blind, lame, and sick animals for sacrifice instead of offering their best to God. They were despising God's very being by their worthless, half-hearted sacrificing. They were going through the motions, but their hearts were not in it. I wonder if that is not the way many of us are going through this Christmas season. Sort of "doing the religious stuff" out of duty but not in sincere devotion. Maybe we need to hit the "pause" button and stop to reflect on this Great God we serve and what a wonderful, marvelous, merciful thing it was that He sent His Son. If He is truly a Great King then He deserves our very best.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Caution against Stone Throwing.
Most of us find it easy to find fault in others but to overlook our own sin. In John Chapter 8 Jesus gives us a glimpse of His mercy...the mercy Scripture elsewhere calls on us to "love" (Micah 6:8). To those who brought the woman caught in sin and demanded that she be stoned Jesus said, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her" (Jn.8:7b). Nobody did. Better think twice before I pick up any stones.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Whose Glory am I seeking?
Jesus was defending His own teaching which baffled the people because He was not formally educated, but He spoke with authority. When he said, "He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the one who sent Him, He is true..." (John7:18) He declared that He was seeking the glory of His Heavenly Father. His words prompted the question in my mind, "Am I speaking from myself and seeking my glory or God's?"
Monday, December 16, 2013
What are you going to eat this Christmas?
I'm sure that for most of us the eating has begun. We usually start "packing it away" beginning with Thanksgiving and continue on through New Years. As for me, I'm just salivating over the thought of my wife's Kringla--the sweetness of a cookie and the texture of bread. I'm convinced they will be a staple in glory :). I have a rather discriminating palate when it comes to Christmas goodies. Don't want to waste my caloric intake on just anything. Chocolate anything is good--but particularly dark chocolate. Tea rolls, cinnamon rolls, poppyseed bread, pumpkin bread, ham, roast beef, mashed potatoes--all favorites of mine. When I say I'm discriminating it does not mean I'm a picky eater--I like most everything. But I'm also aware that my metabolic rate is slowing and I don't need as many calories.
So what will you eat this Christmas? You might not realize it, but the scripture actually gives us some guidance on this question. Of course, the guidance has to do with spiritual nourishment and not gratifying our physical palate. I read John 6 this morning and what a wonderful reminder of what our Christmas diet should look like. After Jesus had fed the 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes, they were impressed with his power, but more intrigued by their full bellies. Typical human beings given to self-gratification think first of their gut, of filling their stomachs. An intriguing look at human nature that so easily by-passes God's display of power that should inspire awe and focuses on self-gratification. Jesus left the crowds, but they pursued Him and Jesus tells us why, "you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were filled" (John 6:26). Jesus turned their thoughts to the eternal not merely temporal. For that culture bread represented their staple food, the supply of their need for sustenance. Jesus directed the crowd to look beyond the immediate and work for the food that "endures to eternal life" (6:27). What does Jesus tell them they need to eat? "Jesus said, 'I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.'" John 6:35. True satisfaction of our spiritual hunger and the thirst of our soul is only found through belief in Christ. Only belief in Christ will satisfy us eternally. Jesus directs us to "Feast on Himself" and by that He is NOT advocating cannibalism, but speaking in spiritual terms He is saying that those who believe (turn from their self-directed life of sin and truly trust Christ for the forgiveness of sin) will be eternally satisfied/saved. How do I know that Jesus is speaking about eternal satisfaction/life? Read John 6:40 "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him, may have eternal life; and I Myself will raise Him up on the last day." Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Trust in the Lord
Some interesting drama as I read through the Old Testament story of the various Kings of Israel and Judah. In 2Chronicles 14-15 King Asa turns out to be a man who truly trusts in the Lord. He sought the Lord when he was up against a formidable army twice his size. He humbly prayed for God's help and "The Lord routed the Ethiopians (2Chron.14:12). God wonderfully delivered and the nation prospered under his leadership. In chapter 15 the prophet Azariah came and warned that they should seek the Lord and if they did so they would find Him (enjoy God's presence and blessing). So the people entered a covenant, a commitment to seek the Lord and they enjoyed revival. Unfortunately, Asa turned his trust away from the Lord in Chapter 16 and decided to trust the King of Aram instead of the King of Kings. As expected things did NOT go well when he turned his eyes away from the Lord.
A great reminder to us that the Lord really is to be trusted. "For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that tHe may strongly support those whose heart is completely His" 2Chron.16:9.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Wise Men Still Seek HIm.
God's word to His people in the O.T. "The Lord is with you when you are with Him. And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you" (2Chron.15:2). N.T. version "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me" (Rev.3:20). I've been thinking this Christmas season about whether or not I'm giving the Lord the relationship He desires from me? Am I seeking Him. It is true, "Wise Men Still Seek Him."
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
What is Christmas all about?
"Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and rise again from the dead the third day; and that repentance for forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all the nations..." Luke 24:46-47a. This is the reason for the season.I hope we don't lose sight of why Jesus came while we are focused on remembering the actual event.
Friday, December 6, 2013
More on the Love of God
"For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome" (1Jn.5:3).
Thursday, December 5, 2013
The Love of God
I've been listening to some wonderful Christmas music these days and the weather is certainly reminding me that it is that time of year when we celebrate Christmas. A week ago many were frantically looking over the advertisements from many retail stores to plan their strategy for "Black Friday" shopping that has spilled over onto Thanksgiving day--many stores opened at 6 pm last Thursday. With so many things to distract us from why we actually celebrate Christmas I was blessed to be reminded this morning of what Christmas is all about. "In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him" 1Jn.4:9. What a wonderful summary of why we celebrate Christmas.
I hope to spend some time meditating on the Love of God manifest in sending His Son so that we might live through Him. Now that is the greatest present ever given at Christmas--the chance to live eternally through faith in Christ. Let us sing it, shout it, state it, and praise God for this gift of love that makes life possible.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Advent Perspective
"We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren" (1Jn.3:16). This verse sent my mind in two different directions. First of all, whenever I doubt God's love because the circumstances of life overwhelm me I have this anchor for my soul--The Love of God is ultimately seen in the sending of His Son. Secondly, as a follower of Christ I am called to give my life for "the brethren" and that means sacrifice. The Christian life is NOT easy, NOT about my comfort, NOT about me. Helpful perspective for me this Advent Season.
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