Saturday, May 8, 2010

Severe Mercy

Watched the movie "Letters to God" last night. Realistic portrayal of the struggle people of faith in the face of suffering. The movie stirs all sorts of emotions--sorrow, joy, hope. A powerful testimony of faith on the part of someone so young when faced by something so difficult. Lessons of being honest with God, accepting difficulty as well as good things from His hand, truly loving others even when we are hurting ourselves, courage to persevere, the power of God to change lives, the importance of prayer. I came away with a profound appreciation for my own wife and children.

The teaches some hard lessons in an age of instant gratification where God is more often viewed as our "genie" who is suppose to grant our wishes. No, the road of following Christ often takes us down some unwanted paths--unwanted, but not unnecessary from God's perspective. I come away reminded of my own aversion for pain and yet convinced that God's severe mercy is often necessary to conform us into His image and to bring Him Glory.

At issue for every believer is not whether not we will suffer, go through trials, or experience tribulations. The question is only when and to what degree? Can I trust God to work all things together for good--not necessarily as I define it (Ro.8:28)? Perhaps a bit frightening and yet a freeing prospect. When I don't understand and I can't trace His hand I pray that I will trust His heart (Romans 8:32-39).

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