Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Divine Appointments

A few weeks ago Dave Olson was leading the adult Sunday School class at church and shared from Acts 10 how God had arranged a Divine Appointment for Paul to meet Cornelius. We were challenged to keep our eyes open for divine appointments that God was setting up for us with the people we meet. These divine appointments are opportunities to share the love of Christ and the work of Christ with those we come in contact with.

Last night our family gathered in Indianola, Iowa to watch our son play football at Simpson College. After the game I was waiting for Tyler (our son) to come out of the locker room and I saw someone that I had met before and whom I knew had undergone a personal tragedy recently. I'm so grateful to the Lord for prompting me to express my sympathy and to inquire about that person's condition. My focus had shifted instantaneously from wanting to discuss football to expressing concern for this person's pain. I assure you that whatever goodness there was in my shift is to be attributed to the Holy Spirit's work. I told the person I had been praying for them and that I would continue to do so. When the person shared some of the story behind the tragedy he stated that a series of events could be attributed to a "Higher Power" and as quickly as I could interject it I stated, "I believed God is control."

Now this certainly wasn't a four point outline of the Gospel, or my personal testimony in miniature, or a well thought out evangelistic sermon--it was merely a few kind words, expressions of concern and care in the name of Christ--nothing less than a divine appointment for which I give God praise.

I'm asking the Lord for a few more divine appointments this week and for the wisdom to see them and respond appropriately.

What about you? Any divine appointments? Let us show and share the love of Christ freely. Mt. 22:39

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