Saturday, April 6, 2013

Perspective is Powerful

I woke up on Friday morning and listened to the news. The monthly employment figures were out and it wasn't pretty. Regardless of how some will try to "spin" the employment figures they are abysmal. What most news agencies refuse to inform people of is that the unemployment rate does NOT take into account those who have given up looking for work. What this does is skews the rate downward. If all of the people in the country who have given up looking for work were figured into the unemployment rate it would be closer to 11%. Consequently the Dow Jones industrial average had dropped 160 points from the previous day. Then I learned of a Federal Judge's ruling that makes abortion inducing contraceptives (the morning after pill) available to ANY AGE WOMAN WITHOUT PARENTAL KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. The ruling basically declares that any young girl who has engaged in sexual activity is free to go to any drug store and purchase a drug that can induce an abortion without the knowledge or consent of her parents. In addition to that North Korea is ordering diplomats to leave the country, Japan is printing money rapidly, and the European economy hangs perilously close to melt-down. I found myself getting cynical, grumpy, and gloomy in my outlook. I had my eyes fixed on the storm swirling around me. I was not setting my mind on things above, but on things on the earth (Col3:1-5). So when I came to my office to continue working on the message for tomorrow the text of Matthew 14:22-36 convicted and comforted me. The story of Jesus walking on the water and then inviting Peter to join him reminded me that perspective is powerful. Peter was fine in getting out of the boat during the storm as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus. When he started to focus on the wind and the waves doubts rose up and he began to sink. The challenge God gave me was to realize how wimpy my faith was, to see that my focus was on circumstances and not on Christ. "O you of little faith, why do you doubt?" This same Jesus who came walking on the water aware of the disciples struggle against the wind in the storm is the one who is aware of everything going on in my life and in the world--He is not caught off guard by anything. He is not scrambling to work out contingencies for situations that catch Him off guard. He is absolutely, sovereignly aware and in control. We can trust Him, but that means keeping our eyes on Him and not "wind and waves" around us. I am comforted by the Lord's patience with those who lose perspective. Notice that before the rebuke was the rescue--"He stretched out His hand and took hold of him (Peter)..." (Mt.14:31). God forgives for our faltering faith and challenges us to deeper faith and comes to our aid when our faith falters. We need not despair, for the Lord is with us wherever we go--Mt.28:20.

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