Friday, October 11, 2013

Expectation of Change

"...the constantly bearing fruit and inceasing, even as it has been doing in you also since the day you heard of it and understood the grace of God in truth" (Col.1:5-6). Paul commends the Colossians because the gospel was transforming their lives. God's truth when truly implanted in our lives grows; it changes us. There should be an expectation of change in my life as a believer and in the lives of all who call themselves followers of Christ. It is a sobering thought to realize that the natural course of life as a believer is one of growth in Christlikeness, of bearing fruit and "increasing." Sure, there are times when our zeal for the Lord waxes and wanes, when we lapse into fits of futility but as a general trajectory the life of a believer is moving in a Godward direction. This has implications in the church where we often excuse someone for just "being cantakerous", or gossiping, or unfriendly. Seriously??? We should not excuse those who say they have been Christians for a long period of time with NO measurable difference in their lives. Yes, I know we are not the ultimate judges of people's spiritual condition, but we are to judge ourselves and others. A living tree that produces no fruit is a contradiction. Best to begin with looking at my own life to see if there is genuine evidence of progress.

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