Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"Fight the Good Fight"

I'm sure that with a title like I've chosen many will be thinking that I'm going to comment on 2Timothy 4:7 where Paul says, "I have fought the good fight. Well, I am....sort of. Paul fought the good fight of faith and was near the end of his life when he wrote to Timothy. His example and words are certainly an encouragement for every believer to stay faithful in their ministry. And it is this faithfulness in ministry that I was struck with this morning as I was reading an article that appeared in Christianity Today. There are two things I was struck by as I read the article. First of all, the faithfulness of many people in proclaiming Christ as the answer to the needs of a particular person. Secondly, I was touched by God's relentless pursuit of people. God asks us to work while He works. Indeed, Peter is correct that believers are a people of God's own possession to proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light (1Pet.2:9). As many people were faithful in fighting the good fight of faith by sharing the truth of Christ with Kirsten Powers (Fox News Contributor, The Daily Beast) God did His work in her as well. I found myself encouraged by the faithfulness and boldness of many believers in her life sharing the truth about Christ. There was a pastor who was faithfully proclaiming the truths of Christianity and relentlessly pointing people to Christ. This is evangelism as it is suppose to be. Then there was God doing His work drawing Kirsten to Himself. How easily we tend to "write certain people off" as unredeemable, as unreachable, as impossible. God is the God of the impossible. Finally, I applaud Kirsten's courage to speak out publicly about her faith. It was courageous for those who shared Christ with her, but for her to face the anti-god establishment in which she has been so intertwined for many years requires monumental courage. Her is the link to the article. This link will take you to an abbreviated article. scroll down to the "read entire article" bold words and click on them to read the entire article. I've read both. I'd recommend that you read the entire article first. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2013/november/fox-news-highly-reluctant-jesus-follower-kirsten-powers.html?paging=off

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