Monday, September 17, 2012
It's Definitely Time to Pray
As I sat in my office earlier last week after listening to clips from speeches that were aired covering the latest political convention I was stunned, sobered, and set back. I realized in a fresh way that it is truly time to pray for our leaders, to repent of our national sins, to pray for truth to be seen, for justice to prevail, for wickedness to be revealed, for people in this country to turn back to God, not merely invoke His name as a secret code in hopes that by doing so He will bless us. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness...” (Is.5:20).
Did I actually hear people publicly promoting, advocating, and championing the taking of the unborn under the guise of “women’s rights?” YES. There are 1.2 million abortions a year in America. President Obama has proven not merely to lend passive acceptance but active promotion to this scourge on our country. His record proves that he favors the taking of unborn life and he voted two times to block legislation that would provide for the care of infants born after a botched abortion. He also disregards our religious liberties and requires persons of faith to violate their conscience and abandon their principles through their support of abortion in His signature legislation--"Obama Care." Each year Planned Parenthood receives millions of tax dollars to fund their abortion mills. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sabelius recently ordered (her prerogative under the new Health Care Bill) that every business provide for contraceptives including abortion inducing contraceptives as part of the health care coverage for employees. To fuel the fire even further Sandra Fluke--law student dubbed poster child for the Administration’s “support for women” campaign--gave a speech heralding the necessity of government funded contraception as if supporting her promiscuity is now our collective responsibility. Of course the grizzly business of abortion is an evil we call good under the guise of promoting women's rights. It seems that when the President’s support for women is praised it refers only to his support for women who agree with his pro-abortion agenda and has nothing to do with pro-life women and those millions of unborn females who have been aborted. God’s word is clear that we are created in His image (Gen.1:26-27), life begins at conception (Ps.139:13-17); taking a life is a horrible sin (Gen.9:6).
Did I get this right that a reference to God was expunged from a Party Platform? YES! Nobody is told that they have to put God in their platform. Since the majority of Americans would say that they believe in God to include His name in a party platform seems logical. But to Remove God from the platform must necessarily have been a reflection of conviction. The party must predominantly see itself as godless in world-view. Only amidst an uproar from people in the country was God put back in the platform. This happened in a most embarrassing and hostile display as rarely seen before on the national scene. For a vast number of those attending their worldview is godless. This should be very disturbing for those of us who realize that the viability of our republican form of government depends upon a “religious people” (meaning a Judeo-Christian people who believe in God). What a testimony to the secularization of our country that a major political party would be so adamant about eliminating mention of God. Reinstating God’s name with such contention seems clearly to reveal that doing so was not a matter of overwhelming conviction but one of political pandering and appeasement. And to think that the same folks who were so cantankerous, obnoxious, and upset over reinstating the name of God have been virtually silent in condemning the recent attacks on our U.S. embassies and personnel overseas including the death of at least four Americans by people who are doing so in the name of their god. This seems obviously duplicitous and hypocritical to me.
Did I hear the President say, “Divine Providence is on our side”? YES I did. What a bold statement when so many of the President’s policies are in direct violation of God’s will and way. To invoke Divine approval and consent on the direction of a political party and His presidency is dangerous at best and deceptive at worst. The speeches and the party platform and the practices of the current administration reveal that they not only accept, but advocate abortion--the taking of unborn life. They not only condone, but celebrate homosexuality. They not only proclaim, but practice robbery euphemistically labelled “redistribution of income.” God does not champion but condemns the taking of human life (Gen.9:6). God does not champion but condemns perversion (Romans 1:24-27; 1Cor.6:9). God does not champion but condemns stealing (Ex.20:15). Mandatory income redistribution is actually a form EXTORTION and TYRANNY. God DOES CHAMPION VOLUNTARY INCOME REDISTRIBUTION (2Cor.8-9) but NOT MANDATORY REDISTRIBUTION by the government.
Did I hear numerous people say that we are better off than we were four years ago and that the economy is turning around? YES, that is what I heard and NO that is not the case. By every economic measure the vast majority of people in the United States are worse off than we were four years ago. Gas prices are double, food prices up 15 % GDP has dropped, fewer people are working, unemployment is over 8%, national debt rose 5 trillion, our Stock rating was reduced, median income fell to 1995 levels, and I could go on. My point is not to argue about what is the best plan for the economy, but to highlight the level of blatant deception that characterizes our country. It is extremely disturbing to hear the "spin" coming from the White House and the media in regard to the latest attacks on U.S. personnel. We have four people dead in Lybia and the White House Press secretary has the audacity to tell us that this has nothing to do with Anti-American Sentiment or U.S. Foreign policy. We have the President of Lybia telling us that the attack was a coordinated assault by terrorists while the White House line completely different. Evidence is overwhelming that this was a premeditated retaliation deliberately done on 9/11/12. The protestors in every case are burning the American Flag and shouting "Death to America." And we are to believe that their hostilities are not directed at America or Americans? The LIES we are told either indicate Ignorance that bespeaks incompetence or Intentional deception that insults our intelligence.
There is a way to turn our moral degeneracy around.
“...and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2Chronicles 7:14).
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