Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Lord Reigns; let the earth rejoice

So many things happening in our lives right now. Much of the United States is experiencing a serious drought with many regions of the country 5-15 inches below normal in their annual rainfall totals. Hurricane Isaac just ravaged the Gulf Coast and left devastation, destruction, and discouragement in its wake. One parties political convention is past and another one is about to begin as things heat up for the upcoming election. Unemployment, fuel prices, and food costs still remain high and no relief appears to be in sight. Many in this country are discouraged and disillusioned, but there is reason to remain hopeful. The Psalmist reminds us, "The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; Let the many islands be glad in the Lord, you righteous ones; and give thanks to His holy name"(Psalm 97:1,12). In between verses 1 and 12 are many reasons to rejoice and be glad. God's control over nature is proclaimed in verses 2-6. In verses 7-9 those who worship idols are challenged to "Worship Him..." (vs.7) because He is "The Lord Most High over all the earth" (vs.9). These verses encourage me to keep perspective. It is easy to get discouraged given all of the turmoil in the world. Last week I was privileged to preach the funeral of a 22 year old young man who leaves behind a wife and two young daughters. Three days later I officiated at a wedding of two young people in the throes of love. What a contrast in emotions. What a very different place each of these families found themselves in. Life seemed so conflicted for me last week. How could this be? One family with heart-wrenching pain and the other in the heights of joy and bliss? Such is life for us...sadness and disappointment one minute and wonderful joy the next. With all the chaos, confusion, and contrasts of life everyone who is trusting in Christ as Savior has this firm confidence--God is ruling over it all. He is in charge and the wrongs of today will be "righted" someday. While our particular circumstance may not be joyful still we can be thankful because first of all, we are redeemed, forgiven, pardoned and secondly, we will one day be in heaven where there will be no more sadness, sorrow, or injustice. So I was encouraged today to read--"The Lord reigns; let the earth glad in the Lord, you righteous ones..." Every Child of God can be glad in the Lord--in our relationship with Him--because we are forgiven and our future is certain. Blessings, Steve

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