Saturday, March 30, 2013
Blessed Are Those Who Believe.
After reaching his fingers into Jesus' hands and putting his hand in Jesus' side Thomas declared, "My Lord and my God" (Jn.20:28). In response to Thomas' declaration the risen Christ uttered the "last Beatitude"-- "Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed" (20:29b). Thomas' belief was contingent upon tangible evidence. He would not accept the testimony of his companions. The evidence for the resurrection is astounding but truly accepting it is still an act of faith. I'm thrilled by the statement of Jesus that those who have not seen (that's you and me) and yet believe are blessed. So are you one of the blessed--believing even though you haven't seen--or one disbelieves? Oh how I wish that on this Easter you we would all be among those who are blessed because even though we have not seen, we still believe Jesus to be the Risen Son of God and Savior of the World.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Jesus Put Pilate in His Place
I am intrigued by Jesus' interaction with Pilate recorded in John 19:10-11. Pilate is conflicted because he knows Jesus is innocent yet the crowd presses him to sentence Jesus to death or else be labelled as a traitor to Caesar. Pilate was annoyed that Jesus didn't answer his question (vs.9) and boldly declared, "Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?" Jesus responded, "You would have no authority over Me unless it had been given you from above..." Basically Jesus told Pilate that he really wasn't calling the shots. If Jesus had not been a willing participant nothing Pilate could do would endanger Jesus. While Pilate was puffing his chest about his authority, Jesus was reminding him of his true insignificance. A good reminder on this Good Friday that Jesus went to the cross willingly--an innocent man died so that all who believe would be pardoned because He (Jesus) paid the debt of sin they owed and each believer would then be seen by God as possessing the righteousness of Christ they didn't deserve. Love So Amazing.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Why Jesus Came.
Jesus' response to Pilate, "For this I have been born and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth, Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice" (Jn.18:37). I so desire for people to listen to the Truth of Who Jesus is, of What Jesus did in dying on the Cross, and to Trust in Him alone.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Spring Has Sprung
Walking this morning in the early sunlight listening to the birds singing, and watching literally hundreds of geese flying north. Despite the snow covering the ground I believe spring has finally arrived. As the dead of winter gives way to the new life of spring it is fitting that this Sunday we celebrate God's work in raising Jesus as the proof that spiritual new life is possible in Him.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Walk in Love
"Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you..." Eph.5:1-2a. Seeing some unpleasant ways in which I'm failing to "walk in love" as an imitator of God lately. At times I find myself subtly comparing myself with others who appear more successful and wish I had what they have. "Love is not jealous." At other times I forget that everything I have is a gift from God and compare myself favorably with others. "Love is not arrogant." I'm thankful for the lessons, painful as they are because I know I'm accepted by the grace of God not on the basis of my performance (good thing too).
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Lord, Give Me Your Eyes.
Still humbled and convicted by Jesus' response to the crowd that greeted him on the shore (Mt.14:14). With the troubling news of John the Baptist's death fresh in His mind, the weight of the constant press of ministry (Mk.6:31), and the reality of the cross before Him, He had every reasonable expectation of a break from ministry. He had withdrawn with His disciples hoping to get to a "lonely place". His vision of reaching an isolated beach to spend some "down time" was shattered as nearly 20,000 people (5,000 men plus women and children) greeted Him. Everywhere Jesus went He had a crowd--by the sea, in the synagogue, in people's homes, and now in this remote area. I can fully imagine that I would have been tempted to get back in the boat and head in the opposite direction. But that is not the action He took or the example He set. He wasn't perturbed, but pitied as He, "felt compassion for them". He was viscerally moved with pity, empathy, sympathy. Oh, that I would see those around me as Jesus did, "like sheep w/o a shepherd" (Mk.6:34). That I would, like Jesus, not simply be moved by their physical affliction, but by their desperate spiritual condition. "Let me look on the crowd as my Savior did; till my eyes with tears grow dim. Let me view with pity the wandering sheep, and love them for the love of Him."
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Brought Near
"But now, in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off, have been brought near..." (Eph.2:13). Been thinking about that a bit today. All humanity is "far off" from God but can be brought into relationship with God only through the sacrifice of Christ. In fact, the text of Ephesians 2 is crystal clear that it is "by the blood of Christ" that sinners (Gentiles in this context) are able to be brought near to God. It is helpful to consider verse 12 as well which leads up to the summary statement of verse 13. In fact, verse 12 articulates in astounding fashion the extent of our separation from God..."separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenant of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world." That is a potent explanation of our separation from God without the work of Christ. So when Paul concludes with, "But Now..." the reconciliation forms a stark contrast with the separation he has just mentioned. This work of Christ in bringing us near is the wonderful message of Easter--A Sinless Savior died for sinners so that those who believe would be brought near--restored into right relationship with God. Then He rose again to prove His power over sin and death and to give confidence to those who trust in Christ that they share in that victory.
Friday, March 22, 2013
The Best Gift
Paul reminds every child of God that we have been adopted "as sons through Jesus Christ...according to the kind intention of His (The Father's) will" (Eph.1:5). Nobody deserves it, nobody can earn it, salvation is God's gracious gift. It's the best gift I ever received.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Pressing ahead in Doing Good
"And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary. So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith" Gal.6:9-10. It's so easy to lose sight of why we are serving so I'm encouraged and challenged by Paul's words here--we labor now in anticipation and expectation of what God will make evident later. I need to be reminded to serve others--especially those of the household of faith. It is too easy to criticize or condemn other believers for what they are NOT doing rather than to think about how I can encourage and serve them. Lord, help me to not lose heart but take every opportunity to do good today.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Do I Serve to Receive Love or in Response to Love Received?
Praying that God will increasingly work in my life to eliminate any sinful tendency to invest myself in ministry as a route to being loved (gaining acceptance, approval, a sense of significance) and replace that fallen motivation with a consistent passion for ministry as a response to God's love for me and as a reflection of His love to others. "...but through love serve one another" (Gal.5:13b).
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Until Christ is Formed in You
"My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you--" (Gal.4:19). Paul worked hard to help others grow up in their faith. This verse serves as a sobering reminder and a serious motivator. It soberly reminds me of all those in my life, past and present who labor to see me grow up in my relationship with Christ--former pastors, professors, youth workers, my parents, my sisters, members of the congregation, church leaders, close friends, colleagues in ministry, our current associate pastor, my wonderful wife, and great children. May I never lose sight of all the effort of others that has and continues to go into my spiritual formation. I thank my God upon every remembrance of those who have and still do invest in me. They are a gift of God. The verse is also a serious motivator, a challenge for me to "not grow weary and lose heart", but to press ahead in my efforts with my children, those in the congregation, family, and friends to spend and be spent until Christ is formed in them.
Monday, March 18, 2013
The Light of the World
In John 8:12 Jesus said, "I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."Darkness surrounds us--deception, corruption, abuse of power, greed, and the taking of innocent life. Into this darkness Jesus came--the light of the world--but the world did not comprehend him. They rejected Him. "Light came into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light for their deeds are evil" (Jn.3:19). The answer to the worlds woes is "The Light of the World"--Jesus. Those who follow Him will not walk in darkness--they love darkness because their deeds are evil. That means those who do walk in darkness are not following Him. Those who follow Christ "shall have the light" which is "life." Those in darkness are destined for eternal separation from God (death) while those who follow Christ enjoy eternal life. The real answer to the darkness of the world is Jesus.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
The Bread of Life
Jesus said, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst" (Jn.6:35). He had just fed the 5,000 and he was again being pressed to give a "sign" so the people would believe in Him. In metaphorical language that speaks to the most basic of human felt needs (hunger and thirst) Jesus declared that faith/belief in Him would satisfy completely (shall not hunger...shall never thirst) the spiritual needs of our soul. Notice that He says, "He who believes in me..." pointing to a spiritual rather than physical satisfaction. I hope each of us has found the hunger and thirst of our soul satisfied completely through faith in Christ. It is so true, "That our souls are restless until they find their rest in Him."
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Food for the Soul
During lent some people decide to fast, to refrain from certain foods or activities as acts of devotion to God. When I read John 4:34 "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work", it seems that Jesus was "feasting." Oh that more of those who are genuine followers of Christ would find sustenance in doing what God has called us to do. Oh that ministry would nourish us spiritually. I don't think Jesus was saying he didn't have to eat anymore, but that in a real sense he was nourished in His soul by doing God's will. May our love for God grow to the place that serving Him nourishes our soul in ever increasing measure.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Believing and Obeying
Last night I came home from the office, walked into the house and immediately I accused my dear wife of "shrinking" a coat of mine by over drying it. Where did that sinful accusation come from? Why was it that instead of appreciating her efforts to wash and dry the coat that I chose to find fault. It didn't take too long for me to realize that I had just wounded her spirit and I asked for forgiveness. Once again the enemy had gained a brief victory, but through the shed blood of Christ the ultimate victory is mine.
When I consider this incident in light of John 4:36 it is sobering. "He who believes in the Son (Jesus) has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life..." (John 3:36). I would not expect the word "obey" to appear in the second half of this verse because I don't naturally equate belief with obedience. But Jesus certainly does. He set up this verse declaring that those who believe gain life and those who do not obey do not see life. Genuine belief in Jesus is evidenced by genuine behavior. Those who believe, behave and those who don't behave (obey Jesus) don't truly believe. These words strike at the heart of "lip service" whereby we are tempted to say, "of course I believe" while our behavior may be totally inconsistent with what Jesus expects.
So does my condemnation of my wife over something so trivial as possibly shrinking a coat mean that I am not truly a child of God? Those who are trusting in Christ's death alone as the payment for their sins are truly new creations in Christ (2Cor.5:17) and are no longer slaves of sin (Ro.6:3-6) but they are not perfect. Whenever those who profess faith in Christ sin we can confess the sin and experience renewed fellowship with God (1Jn.1:9), but we should also take time for a "gut check" to see if as a pattern of our life we are growing to be more like Jesus in my behavior. If not, then I have reason to question the sincerity of my belief. Indeed, we are saved by grace through faith, but it is equally true that those who truly believe are growing in Christ-like behavior (not perfect, but progressing). I believe the Word of God teaches believers that they are secure in the Father's arms (Jn.10:27-28) but that truth is to be held in tension with the fact that genuine faith is always evidenced by good works...belief impacts behavior, attitude determines actions. We are never to rationalize that we are eternally secure simply because of a "prayer that we prayed" but only when our faith is evidenced by fruit. Granted that there are ups and downs in our consistency, there are dry times spiritually, there are struggles in which we stumble and flounder, but the true believer is, over the course of time, convicted, repentant, and pressing ahead.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Simplicity and Purity of Devotion
Paul was concerned for the Corinthians and said, "But I am afraid...your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ" (2Cor.11:3). He was speaking to those who had heard of salvation by grace through faith in Christ. What sort of things lure those who know the truth (at least intellectually) away from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ? Familiarity with the truth so that it has little impact? Activity--so many things competing for our attention and affection? Pride--an elevated view of self that makes us think our involvement and input in any number of things is so valuable that we can not spare the time to focus on Christ? Love for the world--a quest for pleasure, possessions, power, popularity, and/or profit? Religiosity--the adherence to a long list of rules that defines our spirituality rather than the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ? Lord help me see what lures me away and repent, run, and rid myself of it.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Economics 101
Well today is the day when the "Sequestration" across the board spending reductions go into effect. I have been astounded and disheartened by all the hype surrounding the impact of what begins today. First of all, I think the "powers that be" deliberately chose a term that most people would stumble over (sequestration) as an attempt to keep people confused and easily manipulated emotionally.
Here is the straight scoop. The cuts that go into effect today will NOT mean that our government will spend less this year than last year. What will be cut are the proposed increases. That's correct. No real cuts to any program or agency will take place. We are talking about an extremely small reduction in proposed spending. So when the department of defense sets their budget for 2013 they build in a 15% increase over last year (This is an example because I don't know the exact amount of their proposed increase). So sequestration means that instead of their 15% increase they will only be able to have a 12% increase.
Unfortunately most of the people in the U.S. have been subjected to tremendously dishonest scare tactics with threats that meat inspectors will be cut, that we will not have air traffic controllers, and we witnessed the release of known criminals in states like Arizona on the premise that sequestration would result in immediate reduction in law enforcement officers (ICE, DEA, etc.). Nothing is further from the truth. Those in every agency where these reductions to proposed increases will take place have the discretion as to where those reductions go into effect.
So just realize that NOTHING is being cut from any budget. Need I remind you that there has been no Federal Budget passed for over 3 years. All that is actually happening is a slight decrease in PROPOSED increases in spending. Secondly, the dishonest emotional manipulation by lawmakers trying to scare people into thinking that vital services are being cut is reprehensible. Finally, specific actions taken that threaten the security of the country and the safety of our citizens (i.e. releasing known criminals on false pretenses) is unacceptable.
All of the manipulation, deception, and misrepresentation reminds me in fresh and firm ways that we live in a fallen world and that the hearts of men and women must be changed. Only in Christ are our deepest needs met and we need to humble ourselves as a country, pray, seek God's face, turn from our wicked ways and put our trust fully in Him and not in fallen men.
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