Wednesday, July 31, 2013
As I think about Tyler and Grace's Wedding (our son and fiance), I think about what love is. Love is NOT a feeling, but a commitment to act better than you feel and to give better than you get.
Monday, July 29, 2013
So Grateful to be God's Child
Thanks to our worship planner, praise team, and all who made the service a blessing yesterday. Thinking this morning about the privilege of being a child of God. Luke tells us in Acts 16:14 about the amazing work that God does in drawing us to His Son. "...and the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul." So blessed that God opened my heart and praying that He will open yours. "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved..." Acts 16:31. The Best News Ever.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
All We Need Is Love.
Jesus told scribe that the greatest command was to Love God with the totality of your being and to love our neighbor as yourself. So I want to ponder the question, "what evidence is there in my life that I love God fully and my neighbor genuinely?" Not that my work will earn me a place in the kingdom of God, but that if I am a child of God the reality of my faith will be evidenced by a growing love for God and others.
I find it easier to love God and others theoretically than practically. Where is there "expensive worship" in my daily experience? Where am I extending myself in faith to serve God and others?
These are questions that I want to spend some time thinking about today.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Believe and Receive
"Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him (Jesus) forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and through Him everyone who believes is justified..." (Acts 11:38-39a). Through the death of Christ forgiveness is extended, but only through personal trust in Him is that forgiveness experienced. What a privilege to proclaim that those who believe in Christ (those who turn from their own self-directed life and trust fully in His death as the payment for sin they deserve) will receive forgiveness. What this world needs more than anything is the forgiveness of Christ.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Leading by Serving
"If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all" (Mk.9:35). Great to see and hear of so many who chose to serve this summer--at Hidden Acres, During VBS, at the Block Party, in Haiti, in Brazil, In Jacksonville, at FCA camp, in Oklahoma, and in Hungary.
In about four hours one of our church family will be sharing their testimony in Hungary. As you feel lead, please pray for a mighty work of God in hearts and lives there.
Thanks to all who are so faithfully serving.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
God Is Near
"Am I a God who is near, declares the Lord, and not a God far off" (Jer.23:23)? YES, God is near and not far off. He is absolutely aware of everything that is going on in our lives, the good and the bad. Jeremiah was rebuking the false prophets who conducted themselves wickedly and acted as if God was oblivious to their sin. God wanted them, and everyone else who arrogantly and mistakenly believes that they can sin without God's knowledge, that nothing escapes His notice. It is also true that God's omnipresence (Always near) is also a source of comfort for those who are hurting, confused, distraught, and discouraged. No matter what problem we face, God is near. May the knowledge of God's nearness motivate us to live godly lives and comfort us in our distress.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Don't Keep Silent
Jesus healed a leper and asked him to "keep it quiet" (Mk.1:44). Healed of his disease the man disregarded Jesus' request and "began to proclaim it freely." I've been healed of the deadly disease of sin, been forgiven and given new life in Christ. I'm not perfect, but I'm pardoned. There is NO better gift I could be given, NO greater reason to rejoice. Will I be as vocal about the eternal health that I've been given as this man was over physical health?
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Holy Boldness
After being told, "speak no more in the name of Jesus" (Acts 5:40), the apostles went on their way and they "kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ" (5:42).
Last night as Pastor Stepec and I were out praying for folks in our town and we came to a crossroads where we could have headed for home or gone back in a direction we had already been where there were actually people outside. On this very warm summer evening there were very few people out and we had not really had any very good conversations. That was sort of safe in the sense that we didn't have the awkwardness of introducing ourselves and the fear of starting a conversation is gone when nobody is there. I found myself internally pulled to "make for home" and then nudged by the Holy Spirit changed directions and we approached a man working outside. We struck up a conversation and asked the man if there was anything we could be praying for him about. Without hesitating he listed off three things. We visited and then prayed with him right there. I was so glad we stuck with it, but the pull to "bail" was real.
I think of the apostles in Acts 5 told not to preach any more in Jesus' name and how they responded in courage. In these days in our country it is becoming increasingly difficult to stand up for our faith. Hostility and aggression towards Christians is increasing. We are going to have to decide if we will join the apostles and "obey God rather than men".
Lord, give us the courage to "not be ashamed of the gospel" and to speak the truth even when it is not popular.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Serving the King
Joshua called God's people to "fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth...serve the Lord" (Josh.24:14). Joshua then pledged, "but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (24:15). The people's response, "We also will serve the Lord" (24:18,21,24). In light of all that God has done for us a natural response of love for Him is to serve Him sincerely.
I praise the Lord for so many in the church family I am a part of who understand this as they serve the Lord here in their families, in local ministry and overseas. Yesterday I said our last short-term team left for Hungary. I meant our last regularly scheduled short-term team for the summer. Right now a small army of volunteers is conducting Vacation Bible School. I'm sure we will have others going to Haiti yet this year. What a privilege for us to serve the one who saved us.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
His Witnesses
The last of the our Church's short-term teams leaves today for Hungary. Two people coming home from Brazil and 9 leaving for Mohacs, Hungary. Exciting times. Praying for them that they will know the power of the Lord to be His witnesses " the uttermost parts of the world" (Acts 1:8).
Monday, July 15, 2013
Trust in the Lord
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose trust is the Lord, for He will be like a tree planted by the water" Jeremiah 18:7-8a. Enough said.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Missing Out
In two days a group of folks from our church plus one good friend of ours from Johnston will comprise a short-term mission team that will leave for southern Hungary to conduct an Evangelistic English Language Camp and a Discipleship Camp. For the first time in 6 years I will NOT be making the trip to Hungary and I am saddened by the fact that I will not be there.
I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I'm not begrudging the fact that I will be here. For the past 10 years I have been traveling to the country of Hungary due to the wonderful generosity of our church to lead short-term teams.These trips have been crucial opportunities for evangelism and disciple-making. I have attempted to take with me as many of our existing church leaders as possible, as part of an intentional means of pushing us all beyond our comfort zone and into the world of missions. God has been so wonderful to raise up a team of people each year that is comprised of some "newbies" and some veterans. This mix has been so crucial in perpetuating the disciple-making process in the lives of everyone involved. Something about "serving in the trenches" that calls out the best in folks, that forces us to live out our faith in rich and challenging ways. The bonds that are formed between those of us who go is strengthened in ways that only those who have experienced this sort of ministry can understand.
Each year I marvel at how God strategically puts just the right people together to make up the team. Each year my faith is strengthened by seeing God work powerfully to the team together. Sometimes I wish He would work quicker, but He has always been faithful. Ephesians 3:20--'He is able to do far more than we ask or think..."
So as I have worked with yet another team that is preparing to go I sit back and I think to myself, "It is going to be so neat to see how God works in and through this team." We have a great mix of young, middle-age, and "not quite old" people going. It will be so great to see youthful enthusiasm tempered by aged wisdom. To see experience mesh with zeal and wreckless abandon. The problem for me is that "I won't be there to experience it first hand." I won't be able to see those young people stepping out boldly to impact their Hungarian peers. I won't see them developing their servant's hearts. I won't see the team members loving each other as a bold testimony to the reality of Christ (Jn.13:35). Oh yes, I know that the trip, the ministry is not about me. I totally get that. I am just being honest about the sadness of "missing out." I don't NEED to be there and the team doesn't NEED me.
I will also greatly miss the friends I've made in Hungary whom I have had the privilege to see every year for several years now. There again, seeing them is not necessary, but it is a desire of my heart.
As I stay behind and pray for the team, I will be doing so with great enthusiasm, focus, and excitement.
I praise God that our church family is so committed to prayerfully and financially supporting the many overseas ministries that we are a part of. I also miss not being able to be with those from our church who have been to Haiti and Brazil this summer. God is working in so many different places. I am so thankful for the privilege to partner with the great folks in God's church here in Albert City to bring the gospel to the world.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Living in Light of His Coming?
Jesus' disciples asked what would be the signs of His return. In His long answer recorded in Matthew 24-25 He offers this sound advice, "Therefore, be on the alert for you do not know which day your Lord is coming" (Mt.24:42; 25:13). I think Jesus was telling His disciples then and now that His return wasn't something they could predict, something they would have precise knowledge about, but there would be indicators. The main thrust of His words are that we need to be living now as if He could return at any time. He may return soon or it may take awhile. Either way we should be prepared and not turn away from living to please Him on a daily basis. Am I living today in a way that I want the Lord to see when He returns?
Friday, July 12, 2013
Swimming against the current
In the book of Joshua we find some challenging words uttered by Caleb, one of the two men who 40 years earlier had gone into the promised land and came back saying, "we should go in." First Caleb declared that despite the fact that most people said, "Do not go in", "I followed the Lord my God fully (Josh.14:8b). Oh, that each of us would follow the Lord fully even if it means going against popular (yet ungodly) opinion.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Not Ashamed!
As our early morning Bible study met today we were discussing Romans 1:16-23. Paul declared, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes..." (Ro.1:16a). We discussed the fact that all too often we have found ourselves in situations in which we were ashamed of the Gospel/afraid to speak up for Christ. In With high school friends, in family gatherings, in different settings at the university. Paul's affirmation is convicting in light of our wavering. But I also remember that this same Paul who was not ashamed, asked others to pray that he would have boldness (Eph.6:19). I can certainly relate to that. As I walk around our town on Wednesday evenings this Summer praying for and interacting with various individuals in what we are calling our "Summer of Sharing" I find myself hesitating, withdrawing, and I need constantly to be reminded to step out in faith and not to be ashamed of the Gospel. We have not received as spirit of timidity (2Tim.1:7). Lord, please grant me boldness to proclaim the mystery of the Gospel and forgive me for the times I have been ashamed.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Where do we turn in these troubled times?
Nobody questions whether or not the world is in turmoil, unless they oblivious to life around them. The U.S. economy is sputtering, the middle-east is in political and emotional upheaval, the state of the economy in Europe is shaky, certain world powers are flexing their muscles and other rogue nations are defiantly carrying out dangerous policies that threaten stability and safety in the world. It's all rather unsettling if we are trusting in men. The Psalmist gives some much needed perspective in Psalm 146. "Do not trust in princes, in mortal man in whom their is not salvation...How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God" (Ps.146:3,5).
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Biblical Boasting
"Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his strength, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord...for I delight in these things, declares the Lord" (Jer.9:23-24). The world tells us to find our satisfaction and significance in what we know, our power and position, or our possessions. God says that true significance and satisfaction are found in KNOWING HIM. Lord, help us stop chasing significance and satisfaction in what we know, what we can do, and what we have and look for it in KNOWING YOU.
Monday, July 8, 2013
How's My Serve?
"You know the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant" (Mt.20:25-26). It's not usually the concept of serving, but being treated like a servant that offends our selfish sensibilities. Lord, show me intentional ways that I can serve my spouse, children, neighbors, co-workers, and my church family.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Giving is from God
We can only give what God has already given to us so that the giver cannot take credit for what is given our giving is not dependent upon the response of the receiver. "Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights in whom is no variableness or shadow of turning" (James 1:17). Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Wake Up America
Jeremiah 5 is a laundry list of sins committed by God's chosen people--injustice, lying, idolatry, indulgence, immorality. "For the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very treacherously with Me declares the Lord" (Jer.5:11). God's response? "On a nation such as this shall I not avenge Myself" (5:9, 29)? The promise of judgment on the nation because of their entrenched wickedness teaches a sobering principle of God's justice against any nation that rejects Him. Those sins which brought God's punishment are all too prevalent today. Wake Up America.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
America the Beautiful, America the Broken
As I write on this beautiful Independence Day in America my heart is heavy with what I see happening in our Country. The blatant anti-Christian, godless sentiment rising in the country is frightening, but should not be surprising. In Jesus' day John the Baptist was imprisoned and beheaded by scoundrels hostile to the truth. Others in that day increased their opposition to the one John announced and crucified an innocent Christ.
So news in America of Military training that lists "Evangelical Christians" in the same terror watch list as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Taliban should not be upsetting or surprising, but I confess that it has been unnerving. Health care mandates by the HHS Secretary requiring even Christian based organizations, and institutions as well as family run businesses run by devout Christians (i.e. Hobby Lobby; Chick-filet) to provide health care coverage for their employees that covers contraception and abortion inducing drugs is shocking in the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" where religious expression has been a hallmark freedom. Now under penalty of law Hospitals, Colleges, and businesses with religious convictions to the contrary are being forced provide for employees what directly violates their faith or else face exorbitant fines. Then there are two recent Supreme Court rulings that serve to overturn the centuries old definition of marriage, and fly in the face of the will of the majority of people in this country. The SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) rulings on DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) and California Proposition 8 overturn the will of the majority of people. DOMA was passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress and signed by President Clinton. It was the law of the land for over a decade reflecting the will of the people consistent with the constitution. Ironically and disappointingly, the "conservative" Chief Justice was more than willing to do in the case of DOMA what he fought so hard to avoid doing in the case of Obama Care. In Obama care Chief Justice Roberts used "creative" interpretations and understandings to avoid at all costs overturning the unpopular health care law. He "didn't want to legislate from the bench." But in the case of DOMA and Prop 8 where laws were supremely popular and supported by the majority of people He took exactly the opposite stance (I think he was the swing dissenting vote). He was more than willing to "legislate from the bench." These,my friends, are a few of the direct assaults on religious liberty we have seen in this country. But the erosion of liberty is taking place on many fronts.
Corruption, deception, fraud, and discrimination is rampant. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, IRS, all bring to mind horrific scandals where trust in the government and the administration has been seriously compromised. We have been boldly lied to, the facts have been hidden and deceptions perpetrated. Corruption and invasion of privacy and discrimination on grand scales. And the perpetrators of these injustices smugly and insolently look down their noses at those seeking to hold them accountable in what we were promised would be "the most open and transparent administration ever." We are experiencing the exact opposite of what we were promised. Instead of transparency we are experiencing increased tyranny. Talk to small business owners, farmers, coal miners, who suffer under the weight of increasing government regulations which all add costs to the goods and services. Every time we turn around a new law, regulation, or policy expands the intrusion of the government into our private affairs,and/or invades our privacy, and or encourages the misuse of our money, and costs us financially. Never in my life time has the size of government increased so rapidly nor the intrusion into life been so offensive. I never dreamed that I might live to see the demise of America, but now I'm not so sure. We have an administration that chooses to disregard the laws of the land it dislikes (i.e. DOMA, Immigration enforcement) and uses executive orders and policy decisions to by-pass congress to gain increased control over the people. They are trying to strip away 2nd ammendment rights, "mine" for our personal data through phone and email surveilance, and sending out drones in America.
I haven't even begun to discuss the mess which is America's foreign policy. I would say that it appears for all practical purposes that we do NOT have a foreign policy, we do NOT support our long-standing allies in the world (especially Israel), and we do NOT take seriously the threat of terrorism. So what is my summary assessment? On this 4th of July...
I am Grateful for the Freedoms We Enjoy, Fearful for the Freedoms we are Losing, and Prayerful for a Revival in America. "Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter For you to forsake the Lord your God..." (Jeremiah 2:19b).
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Can't Hide What's in Our Heart
"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man" (Mt. 15:18). My speech will reveal the condition of my heart. Lord, search my heart to purge the evil so I may speak words of life and not death.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Broken Cisterns
God's harsh words to Israel in Jeremiah 2:13 serve as a fitting indictment against many today. "For My people have committed two evils; They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that hold no water." A profound description of turning from God in self-reliance and trusting in things we think will give us satisfaction and fulfillment, but truly won't--cisterns that are broken and hold no water. What a picture of forsaking God--forsaking the fountain of real living water to dig a well to catch runoff...a well that leaks. Pretty foolish. Lord, help me to examine my life to see if I'm digging any leaking wells.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Those the Lord Notices
I'm challenged by the words of Isaiah 66:1-2. After God declares His absolute and unrivaled majesty-- "Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool" (mind blowing to think about even though it is figurative, it speaks of How grand and glorious God is)--He then declares, "But to this one I will look, To him who is humble and contrite of spirit and who trembles at My word." How absolutely upside down from the world. Fame, fortune, beauty, wealth, athletic prowess are what people in the world notices. God pays attention to the humble and obedient. A call to root out arrogance and for heartfelt obedience in my life.
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