Sunday, July 14, 2013

Missing Out

In two days a group of folks from our church plus one good friend of ours from Johnston will comprise a short-term mission team that will leave for southern Hungary to conduct an Evangelistic English Language Camp and a Discipleship Camp. For the first time in 6 years I will NOT be making the trip to Hungary and I am saddened by the fact that I will not be there. I'm not feeling sorry for myself. I'm not begrudging the fact that I will be here. For the past 10 years I have been traveling to the country of Hungary due to the wonderful generosity of our church to lead short-term teams.These trips have been crucial opportunities for evangelism and disciple-making. I have attempted to take with me as many of our existing church leaders as possible, as part of an intentional means of pushing us all beyond our comfort zone and into the world of missions. God has been so wonderful to raise up a team of people each year that is comprised of some "newbies" and some veterans. This mix has been so crucial in perpetuating the disciple-making process in the lives of everyone involved. Something about "serving in the trenches" that calls out the best in folks, that forces us to live out our faith in rich and challenging ways. The bonds that are formed between those of us who go is strengthened in ways that only those who have experienced this sort of ministry can understand. Each year I marvel at how God strategically puts just the right people together to make up the team. Each year my faith is strengthened by seeing God work powerfully to the team together. Sometimes I wish He would work quicker, but He has always been faithful. Ephesians 3:20--'He is able to do far more than we ask or think..." So as I have worked with yet another team that is preparing to go I sit back and I think to myself, "It is going to be so neat to see how God works in and through this team." We have a great mix of young, middle-age, and "not quite old" people going. It will be so great to see youthful enthusiasm tempered by aged wisdom. To see experience mesh with zeal and wreckless abandon. The problem for me is that "I won't be there to experience it first hand." I won't be able to see those young people stepping out boldly to impact their Hungarian peers. I won't see them developing their servant's hearts. I won't see the team members loving each other as a bold testimony to the reality of Christ (Jn.13:35). Oh yes, I know that the trip, the ministry is not about me. I totally get that. I am just being honest about the sadness of "missing out." I don't NEED to be there and the team doesn't NEED me. I will also greatly miss the friends I've made in Hungary whom I have had the privilege to see every year for several years now. There again, seeing them is not necessary, but it is a desire of my heart. As I stay behind and pray for the team, I will be doing so with great enthusiasm, focus, and excitement. I praise God that our church family is so committed to prayerfully and financially supporting the many overseas ministries that we are a part of. I also miss not being able to be with those from our church who have been to Haiti and Brazil this summer. God is working in so many different places. I am so thankful for the privilege to partner with the great folks in God's church here in Albert City to bring the gospel to the world.

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