Friday, January 31, 2014

The State of the Union

The President gave the annual "State of the Union" address and most people have their opinions about what was said. My intent here is not to comment on what the President said, but share my own assessment of the "State of the Union." I see the State of the Union much as Paul described the Roman world in which he lived-- "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness...For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish hear was darkened...For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever Amen." (Ro.1:18,21,25). Just think about it for a moment. Paul's description fits America today--men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness and exchange the truth of God for a lie. If I were to use one word to describe the "State of the Union" I would use a word like "corrupt", "decadent", "ungodly", or "perverse." Deception, corruption, extortion, and exploitation abound in the lives of people personally and especially in the workings of our government. Justice is merely a buzz word and no longer an ideal. Perversion is celebrated. Murder of innocent children is sanctioned, supported, and defended as a "choice". Lack of personal responsibility is promoted and "entitlement" is encouraged. Laziness is encouraged and exceptionalism is discouraged. Robbery is government policy. At every turn attempts are made to "suppress the truth in unrighteousness" whether it is doping by professional athletes or what really happened in Benghazi. Now when I hold these realities up to the ideals of Scripture there is a serious disconnect. Much of what permeates the culture in America offends a Holy God and yet we press ahead in our perversion oblivious to God's displeasure. Romans 1:18 speaks of "the wrath of God...against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men..." Our country as a whole seems to me to be in a desperate state whereby we deserve God's wrath. In fact, the text of Romans 1:18-32 declares that those who live ungodly lives and exchange the truth of God for a lie are "given over to even greater perversions and ungodliness." It could very well be that as a country we have been "given over" (Ro.1:24,26,28)to increasing decadence, debauchery, and depravity. It could be that we have reached a point of no return, that we will continue to spiral downward into the cesspool of sin only to receive the full fury of God's wrath. I only know that God cannot be pleased with the deception, perversion, corruption, and wickedness that He sees in America. I recently finished Stephen Mansfield's book, "Lincoln's Battle with God" in which the author comes to the conclusion that at some point near the end of the civil war that Lincoln came to the understanding that God is in control of the affairs of men and that what happens in history is under the control of the Almighty. He also believes that Lincoln had an acute awareness that mankind is answerable to a holy and righteous God. Lincoln saw the Civil War as God's punishment on the nation for her evils (among which slavery ranked near the top). Finally, Mansfield believes that Lincoln grasped that God uses men in His working out of History. Lincoln came to believe that the real issue in the Civil War then was the need for America's Reconciliation with God...her Righteousness. That America was in the throws of a devastating Civil War as part of God's punishment for her national sins and only in repentance could the "ship of state" be righted again. Oh, that the wisdom of Lincoln would prevail again in America. I pray that we will see ourselves in the throws of sin and in desperate need of repentance and the Lord's compassionate forgiveness. The answer for America lies not with a particular candidate, or political party, but in our soon, serious, and contrite return to the Almighty seeking His forgiveness. I hope the words of Isaiah 30:15 will not be uttered of us "...but you were not willing." For indeed, in repentance and rest we shall be saved and in quietness and trust is our strength.

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