Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The God Vacuum

Just today I was again praying for the families of the victims who lost their lives in the tragic massacre that took place last week in Newtown, Connecticut. The hearts of so many in the nation are deeply saddened and disturbed by such a senseless tragedy. We need to keep the families of those who lost loved ones in our prayers. What I'm going to express here is in no way intended to diminish the importance of remembering the real victims in this horrific act of violence. I was reading a few days ago in Romans chapter 1 and in verse 21 we read that "even though they knew God, they did not Honor Him as God...their foolish heart was darkened." The consequence of their idolatry and rebellion was that "God gave them over to degrading passions" (vss.26-27) and "just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper" (vs.28). Verses 29-31 list those "things that are not proper" including murder. In America both privately and publicly there has been a tremendous effort to expunge God from life. Privately more and more people are turning away from God. The church has become more like the world in it's preaching and practices than different from the world. We have expelled God from schools and have sought to eradicate His influence by removing the 10 commandments from public buildings and banning nativity scenes from public lands. In Arkansas a church cancelled a showing of "A Charlie Brown Christmas" intended for school children when a parent complained that the students would be traveling to the church to attend the play. Every year at Christmas there are debates over whether or not it is appropriate for public officials, businesses, etc. to say "Merry Christmas" or to use the less controversial and more PC statement "Happy Holidays." From the White House to the School House the term "Holiday Tree" is being used. I always wonder "what Holy Day" the tree commemorates? Can't be New Years for that is not a Holy Day. Must be Christmas. So why can't we say Christmas Tree? I still do. My point is that in America today even though we know God we do NOT honor Him as God. With the tragedy in Newtown even those who normally keep God out of the conversation (unless of course they refer to Him in some derogatory or defaming way with vulgarities) are found saying, "the victims and their families are in our prayers". There has been an openness to talk about God, about faith, about prayer since the tragedy that resembles the response of the nation following 9/11/2001. "We know God" in the sense that we know He exists (no atheists in a fox hole sort of thing) but we do not HONOR HIM as God. In tragic times the response of the elites who normally ignore God is to treat God like a genie in a bottle. When times are tough we rub the bottle in order to make our wish hoping that the God we have eliminated from our life will pop up and serve our utilitarian and self-absorbed purposes. How wonderful of us to treat God like our personal slave. We've missed that last part of Malachi 1 where God speaks through the prophet to the pretending people of God to tell them, " I AM A GREAT KING says the Lord of Hosts." The GREAT KING has been locked out of most of our lives, most of our public activities, and when the going gets tough we want to treat him like a bell hop. We should not be surprised to see a rise in "the things which are not proper" (Ro.1:28) like greed, envy, murder, malice, arrogance, our society. So when I see a tragedy like what happened in Newtown I see in the horrific act and in the response further evidence of a society with a God Vacuum...a people who have lost their moral compass, abandoned God, and who persist on "worshipping with their lips while their heart is far from him." The perpetrator of the horrific act was of "depraved mind", fallen, sinful, not controlled by God, but by Satan. The reaction by some politicians has been equally depraved in my opinion. Consider the knee-jerk reaction to push for stricter gun control. It seems pretty simple to me. The mother of this young man was negligent to let her son who was mentally unstable even near firearms. That is not the fault of the firearms, but of the mother and the son who should never have been allowed to handle them. Those pushing for gun control after this emotionally charged tragedy appear sanctimoniously to have the interest of the innocent victims in view. When I heard who was leading the charge in the quest for increased gun control I paused. Seriously, the women who are advocating for gun control to "protect innocent victims from violent acts" are the same women who are the most vocal proponents of murdering unborn children while they are still in the womb. These are the legislators who run for office as proponents of "a woman's right to choose." So they advocate that the government pay for abortions, for abortifacients, for abortion services. Think about this for a minute. The same women who are outraged that the second amendment is still upheld because of their concern over protecting innocent victims is the same group that vehemently, vocally, and venomously defends the need for abortions--that is the murder of millions of innocent children while still in the womb. So I ask, why are they so adamant about gun control to protect the innocent outside the womb,while they lobby for murdering innocent children inside the womb? Their concern, I would submit, has little to do with concern for the innocent victims or else they would be equally as disturbed over abortion as they are over what happened in Newtown. Consider for a moment that the second amendment is designed to provide protection for those who are under assault, to allow people to hunt and provide for their family, to provide recreation for gun users, to guard against tyranny. Now let me suggest that the real assault weapons that should be banned are those wielded by abortion doctors, and women who use abortifacients. These devices/drugs have one and only one express purpose and use--to take the life of an unborn, unsuspecting, and innocent child. The "weapons of abortion" cannot be used by the victims to defend themselves, they are not necessary to fend off tyranny, they are not for recreation (yeas I know that can be debated, but a life is in the balance), nor can these weapons be used to gather food to feed a family. Let me put things into perspective. There were 28 innocent lives taken at Newtown. There are 1.6million abortions per year in the U.S. That is over 4,000/day. That means the horror of Newtown is repeated over 200 times every single day in the U.S. Where is the outrage? Where is sorrow? Where is the outcry to stop this senseless taking of innocent human life? There is none. Just the opposite. The mantra is that murdering inside the womb is a "woman's right" So why was it not the mad man's right to shoot 28 people in Newtown. Of course this is a ludicrous thought. Murder is wrong...period. But we live in a nation with a God Vacuum where "doing what is not proper" is normal. So one man takes a number of innocent lives and that is tragic, horrific, heart-wrenching and WRONG. And everyday 200 times as many innocent unborn lives are taken and the general public pays for it, condones it, celebrates it as a step forward for women, and I say IT IS WRONG...terribly wrong. Where God is absent justice is twisted--In America we advocate stripping away people's second amendment rights in a futile attempt to prevent a tragedy that is a matter of human hearts turned away from God, but diligently defend the murder of millions of unborn children because that respects a "woman's right to choose." This is twisted indeed, but the answer is in seeing people's hearts changed, seeing people turn from sin, trust God, and live fully surrendered to the Lordship of Christ in their lives. But that is hard to legislate and offends our arrogant belief that we can control our own destiny. Such is life when God is absent. 2 Chronicles 7:14 comes to mind. In the meantime, I would advocate banning the assault weapons of abortion.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What to Boast About.

I woke up this morning with something heavy on my heart. Decisions always have consequences and I am fearing some unpleasant consequences from some past decisions. The most drastic of the consequences would probably be to my pride so we are not talking earth shattering stuff here. Nonetheless, I was in need of the Father's help, guidance, and wisdom so I spent time in prayer asking for "my will" submitting to His will and seeking some insight from the Lord. Later today as I was doing some reading I came across one of my favorite passages from Scripture...Jeremiah 9:23-24. "Let not the wise man glory/boast in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory/boast in his might, let not the rich man glory/boast in his riches; but let him who boasts, boast of this, that he understands and knows Me..." In my circumstance these words brought conviction. The verses indicate that we are to find our source of joy and sense of value/worth/importance in "understanding and knowing the Lord". It hit me that such was not the case for me. I could see that in my life there are circumstances in which I have, in the past, worked or am presently working subtly and yet sinfully to find joy and significance in being wise, powerful, and rich. God was graciously, lovingly, and yet clearly revealing to me that the consternation I felt this morning, the concern I had was rooted in misplaced dependency and idolatry. Were my relationship with the Lord--knowing that I am part of His glorious family--been the truest source of joy and provided the full sense of importance in my life then the unintended and unpleasant consequences I was distraught over would be seen as seriously inconsequential, trivial, and minor. I was deeply saddened to see how past decisions were, at their core, made in order to bring Me joy and a sense of worth from the very things Jeremiah says I should not glory in. A deep sense of sorrow, of contrition, of sadness over my idolatrous actions and over failing to glory fully in "understanding and knowing the Lord". How foolish for me to engage in efforts that I thought would bring joy and satisfaction somewhere other than in the Lord. In my Father's gracious working He brought me comfort along with conviction. Comfort in leading me to see the sinful approach to life, in pointing out to me that I have, and do, work to find joy and value other than from being a member of His family. While I was convicted of my sin, asked for forgiveness, and sought His help to keep me boasting in Him, I found great comfort in knowing I'm forgiven and in realizing that regardless of how things turn out in the situation I was concerned about, my source of joy and sense of worth are found only in "KNOWING HIM." I will only fear consequences that strip me of joy and a sense of importance, so if my joy and significance are found in KNOWING HIM then I need not fear a lack of wisdom, power, or riches.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hait, Christmas, and Doing the Father's Will

Two weeks ago today my wife Marla and I were on a flight headed back to the U.S. from our first visit to Haiti--the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. We were privileged to join a team of folks for a one week ministry trip where our church has been investing time, money, and human capital for almost three years now. It was an opportunity for me to see first hand what is happening at the Consolation Center (a ministry that includes an orphanage for about 35 young girls that has expanded into a school for 250 students, and a medical clinic with plans for the opening of a community center) and the Village of Hope (a neighborhood development providing housing for displaced victims of the 2010 earthquake, clean water, a store, agricultural activities, and a church for the village and neighboring residents). It was great to see the girls at the orphanage, to spend time playing with them, showing interest in their lives, and encouraging them. It was wonderful to experience a different culture where we were welcomed warmly and treated graciously. It was wonderful to spend time with dear Christian folks on our team, to labor together installing solar panels, cleaning up for a dedication, burying electric lines, repairing a tractor, getting a tour of all the ministry activity, and to expand our understanding of the needs in the world. When I say "wonderful", I do NOT mean that everything was comfortable,easy,or without difficulty. Life in a third world country has it's challenges. As I have told the congregation here, "I saw what I expected, but I did not expect what I saw." It is one thing to hear stories about people unclean tap water, intermittent electrical supplies, open dumping of garbage, people living in extreme poverty, filth, and despair and actually witnessing it first hand. Pictures can never communicate the smell of what is burning in open fires, or the sounds of traveling down crowded and chaotic streets. Our senses were on visual overload. But the value our time in Haiti was much more than the sights, sounds, and stuff we accomplished. For me it was connecting with those who are knee deep in ministry--the director of the Consolation Center (Eddie and his wife Djoune--pronounced June), the Pastor at the Village of Hope (Wadsene and his wife Jasmine), and the missionary couple our church supports there (Les and Catherine DeRoos). What a joy it was for me to sit around and hear their hearts for ministry, to listen to their stories of what God is doing in Haiti and to their vision for what the future holds. The sacrifice of these saints brought both conviction and inspiration to my heart as I saw in them what our Lord modeled in the Garden of Gethesemane--a willingness for the Father's will to be done (Mt.26:39,42). These precious saints are sacrificing what they could potentially have in this world to serve the Lord by caring for the physical and spiritual needs of the needy. Each of these couples could be living here in the U.S. making a comfortable living, without the physical hardships of daily life in Haiti. But because of Christ, they are their seeking to reach out in love with the Good News of forgiveness and eternal life only through faith in Jesus. They are investing their lives on eternal things, living on little, in a place that is uncomfortable, where spiritual darkness is palpable because their faith in Christ is real. They have each surrendered their will to that of the Father and said, "yet not as I will, but as You will" (Mt.26:39). That sort of sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom is contagious. God is blessing their efforts. We took part in the first baptism at the church in the Village of Hope. Thirty four people gave bold testimony to their recent decision to trust Christ as Savior and what a blessed time it was to see them baptized in the river as about 200 people looked on. We enjoyed the meaningful worship of this local body of believers and I had the humbling privilege of sharing from God's Word during the service. Gathered around me in that Gazebo and well beyond it's reach were dozens of young and old alike riveted to the Word of God and the message about Jesus. At this Christmas season I think about Haiti, about the real meaning of Christmas--"God Sent His Son, born under the Law that He might redeem those who were under that Law that we might receive adoption as Sons" (Gal.4:5-6). The end game of Christ's birth was not the cradle, but the Cross. And what Christ sacrificed for us at Calvary saying, "Yet not as I will, but as You will" made possible our salvation and serves as our model. So that those who are God's children are challenged to follow Jesus in saying to the Father, "Yet not as I will, but as You will" which translates into our willingness to sacrifice so that others will Know Christ. It means willingness to give our money to sponsor orphans, to give clothes for the orphan girls at Christmas, to pray for our dear friends in Haiti and other parts of the world, to think about what I may be willing to do without at Christmas so that someone may have something, to clean off the counter out of love for my wife, to take the time to pray with my children at night, to lead our families into service and sacrifice for the sake of Christ. What sacrifice is too great to make for the sake of the One who gave His life as a ransom for many?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Post Election Thoughts

As I watched the election results come in Tuesday night I would describe my response as shocked, stunned, saddened. So many of us had been praying for a different result and I know some of you were mad at God. I did not find myself mad at God and I believe that is because even though I was cautiously optimistic I found myself wondering if all the prayers (mine and those of others) were more about achieving what was comfortable, what would make us happy and not what would make us HOLY. I truly believe that many were sincerely praying for revival, for a turn that would bring about a spiritual awakening as I have been, but God's ways are not always mine. So I was not mad at God (and I don't say that to make you think that I couldn't be, or that I was somehow "super spiritual" in all of this, but it was simply not an emotion I had). I have been struggling with anxiety (lack of trust) since the election and I'm repenting of that failure to rest completely in the hands of God. So what I witnessed on Tuesday was what I would describe as the "Secularist" triumph. As I wept in my office on Wednesday morning my tears were sourced in a deep sadness over the direction I see our country heading, over the abandonment of God, over the elevation of self-indulgence, over the celebration of decadence, arrogance, deception, and corruption on a scale that heretofore seemed impossible. We have just gone through one of the most difficult economic, political, international, and social upheavals in our history lead by a President whose policies have failed and whose promises have been broken. Yet 60 million people said, "Sign me up for four more years of this nonsense." I witnessed what I fear to be a defining moment in our country's history which will lead to a country more divided than since the civil war. America is comprised of people standing firmly in two diametrically opposed camps separated by a huge ideological and moral chasm. On the one side we have the "government as provider" secularists for whom larger government, more regulation, higher taxes, less personal responsibility, entitlement expansion, loose interpretation of the constitution, and moral relativism are essential. On the other side are the "government as protector" folks for whom smaller government, minimal regulation, lower taxes, increased personal responsibility, entitlement reduction, strict adherence to the constitution, and moral absolutism (abortion is wrong, homosexuality is sin, people should work to provide for their needs) are foundational. Both sides have their secularists, neither side is perfect, I'm merely pointing out that one side has become openly and patently secularist (removing God and His influence). As a Christian I think it stunned me to see just how far away from caring about the things God cares about the majority of our citizens have gone. So many celebrated the opportunity to take the lives of the unborn, to promote perversion, to perpetuate dependency upon the government, to limit religious freedom. So on Wednesday morning when I asked the Lord for some perspective He directed me to Amos chapters 4-5. As God delineated all of the tragedy He had brought upon His people He then stated, "Yet you have not returned to Me" (4:6,8,9,10,11). God's punishment rested upon His people because of their sin and He basically tells them...."DUH, I'm just trying to get your attention so you will turn from your sin and return to Me." America is not Israel, but a principle is still in play. 1Chronicles 7:14 is also about Israel with a similar principle. God punishes sin to turn people towards Him. As I see the degradation in America increase and the painful consequences of difficult times increase I think it is time for us to "Return to the Lord." We like to sing and say, "God Bless America" but God never blesses sin. I believe what we have been saying for many years is that we want God's blessing without our believing in Him or behaving like we believe. What we believe about God is reflected in our behavior and what happened on Tuesday indicates what most people in America believe about God based upon their convictions and conduct. Remember this is the party that took God out of their platform and adopted the sins of Romans 1 as their party platform. I believe Amos' words to God's people are what we need to hear and heed in America. After I spent time in Amos I went to Hebrews 11--that great chapter on faith. How fitting that I should be reminded of all the faithful men and women of God who "all died without receiving the promises, but having seen them welcomed them from a distance. All that God had spoken about that would be realized fully in the person and work of Christ, these faithful people looked ahead in faith to. They lived in hope on promises they never saw realized. I look back in faith on Christ like they looked ahead in regard to salvation. But all believers look ahead in faith for the fulfillment of the promises about fully experiencing our eternal inheritance and the blessings of heaven. A good reminder to be encouraged by their faithfulness so that I too will "fix my eyes on Jesus" (Heb.12:2) while I struggle here on earth. So I'm challenged to "Return to the Lord" and to encourage that returning throughout America. I'm hopeful that as God delivered Ninevah (see Jonah 3) He may be pleased to spare America. I'm also challenged to "Rely upon the Lord" who really is in charge and who will fulfill His promises. So I look at the election as an indication of America's spiritual problem. It's quite simple, "People need the Lord." Those submitted to the lordship of Christ will not pursue the sins of Romans 1 as their political agenda. That's why even though I'm shocked, stunned, and deeply saddened, I will NOT be silent. Of first priority for myself and the church of Jesus Christ is to share the Gospel of Christ with a lost and dying world. I will pray and ask the Lord to give me a desire to share Christ with those who disagree with me rather than despise them. I will ask the Lord to make me a merciful person who disagrees with sin, but who seeks to love the sinner. Believers must realize that we must speak about sin so that people will see the need to repent. We don't speak as those who are better than others, but as those who are forgiven who desire others to know God's mercy as well. I will seek to be salt and light to the world I live in and encourage others to do the same. I will speak out on behalf of the defenseless, the unborn, and those enslaved to entitlements. I will hope in what God wants to do in and through His body the church as we remain faithful even in turmoil. Bottom line is that for believers our citizenship is in heaven (Phil.3:20) from which we anxiously await a Savior. I don't see this as an excuse for abandoning my involvement in what is happening in the world, but it is a true source of comfort in the midst of chaos. "O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him" (Ps.34:8).

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Truth Matters

I wrote a few days ago about the importance of truthfulness as it relates to those who serve in public office. I'm not going to try and "wax eloquent" on the importance of truthfulness but will instead let a video that I was sent do the talking. I hope this video helps you see how important it is to vote for officials who tell the truth and then to hold elected officials accountable for telling the truth.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Should Christians vote for a Mormon?

As the 2012 election fast approaches I've been somewhat confused and somewhat disturbed by a question that I hear Christians debating--Should a Christian vote for a Mormon? I have read one Pastor's blog explaining why he is choosing not to vote at all in the upcoming election. He opposes the current administration's approach to social issues, but cannot reconcile voting for a Mormon. What follows is my interaction with some of the objections to voting for a Mormon that I have heard. It has been posited that since the current administration openly supports abortion and homosexuality that the goal should be to "Beat Obama!" To state such a goal then seems to imply that the ends justify the means. I would suggest that the real question for believers is, “What does it mean to live out my faith in a way that shines the light of Christ in the culture” (Mt.5:16)? For some, “Beating Obama” is the goal but why? I truly believe that for people of faith the issue is a desire to stand against the forces of evil pressing against us in a way that points people to the cross and Christ. Support for Abortion, promotion of homosexuality, runaway welfare, broken promises, blatant deception, corruption, dishonesty, and stealing from the rich to give to the poor (all hallmarks of the current Obama administration) are offensive to God. Christians are to expose sin so that people will repent and be saved. We are called to defend the helpless, defenseless, and abused (Isaiah 1:17). As believers in the U.S. we have a great privilege and responsibility to help shape the culture through our participation in the political process. Voting is part of being subject to the authorities God places over us (Romans 13:1-4). The goal is ultimately, “bring glory to God”. Since God is ultimately in charge our actions are simply to reflect submission to Him while trusting that God will do what is best. It is argued that Christians should not just vote for a Mormon whose moral convictions are closer to their own because by doing so we are endorsing a cult. We are talking about electing the next President of the United States, not someone to the deacon board of our church. If the person’s policy perspectives are inconsistent with our personal convictions then we may find it impossible to support them, but when we find someone whose values reflect our own I think this is someone we want to see in public office rather than someone whose views are diametrically opposed to ours. Who do you want guiding policy on the life of the unborn, an avowed abortion supporter or someone who believes in the sanctity of life beginning at conception? Support for a Mormon for public office does NOT amount to approval of his/her religion. Christians should make the distinctives of Mormonism and Christianity clear with regard to the person and work of Christ, how a person is saved from sin, the supreme and ultimate authority of the Bible, etc. We are to speak the truth in love, share the Gospel of salvation by grace alone through faith alone, in Christ alone with everyone including Mormons. Christian support for Mitt Romney is not an endorsement of his religion, but of his leadership. I fail to see how a Christian supporting a Mormon for President equates with legitimizing their faith system. I thought under the constitution and under God’s gracious rule, people are free to worship as they please. The government of the United States is NOT a church. Obviously a person’s faith impacts his/her politics (that is if it is a genuinely held faith) and we should expect Mitt Romney’s faith to influence his leadership. A practicing Mormon is a very decent person. Mormon’s are responsible, fair, honest, caring, family centered, generous people whose values are very close to those of Evangelical Christians. Evangelicals would simply say that what we do by means of grace (live a holy lifestyle because of Christ’s work in us) the Mormons do as a means of grace (in order to attain a higher status). I don’t have to agree with their motivation to agree with their manner. Finally, I find it disturbing that a believer would suggest that Christians should draw a line of separation between themselves and unbelievers that is artificial and damaging. If we are to reach people for Christ then we might say more to a watching world about the reality of our Jesus by working with someone who is “not of our stripe” and with whom we disagree on some things. I’m just thinking about how Jesus hung out with the tax gatherers and sinners (Mt.9:11-13) in order to reach them. The religious types condemned Jesus for being “contaminated” by His interactions but those who condemned Him were the ones who missed the point. Jesus wants us hanging out with, spending time with, rubbing shoulders with, and I would say--supporting for public office--people who are not like us. I'm not talking about compromising our faith, or corrupting our practice. When it comes to supporting people for public office we should find those with whom we most agree and work for the common good. If we aren't willing to work with others then we will have no chance to positively impact their theology, and we will fail to work together on what the two of us agree on for the betterment of society. Will Christians be labelled hypocrites for voting for a Mormon one day and then warning others about the spiritual dangers of Mormonism the next day? I believe most people will have the common sense to realize that Christians aren't supporting Mormonism, but a man who happens to be a Mormon, a good person, and a capable leader. Those who don’t make that distinction may need a refresher in civics, or in theology. Seriously, I just don't think most people are so stupid that they will equate Christian support for a Mormon for public office as an endorsement of that person's faith. If I was convinced that Mitt Romney was bent on instituting Mormonism as the state religion of the U.S. or using his “bully pulpit” to convert people to Mormonism I certainly would not encourage people to support Him. I personally believe people can make the distinction that supporting a person to lead the country is not an endorsement of that person's religion. “So you don’t agree with Romney’s religious system, but you line up with him in the social, constitutional, and fiscal issues involved in governing the country?” I really think people "get it." Christians who won't vote for Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon should ask themselves if they would have voted for some of our founding fathers who weren't Christians despite the fact that they recognized the importance of God, faith, and morality. I personally don’t see a contradiction between working to be salt and light, standing up for Biblical principles (remember, all truth is God’s truth even if a Mormon says it), fulfilling civic and spiritual responsibilities and supporting a Mormon for public office. If you think otherwise then you best not violate your conscience for whatever is not of faith is sin (Ro.14:23). Some argue that since the "Democrats have embraced sin (their platform consists of the sins of Romans 1) and the Republicans support false religion (i.e. Mormonism) we should support neither. So abdicate your God-given rights and privileges as a citizen of the U.S. and just stick your head in the sand? You are certainly free to do that, but I don’t think you can make a solid Biblical case for such dereliction of duty. Of course I'm not advocating supporting any party or candidate whose practices, whose morals, whose aim as a politician is known to be contrary to the scripture. I understand the Scripture to teach just the opposite--that we should confront evil to reach people with the Gospel. We should do what is in our power to stem the tide of wickedness as John the Baptist did. He spoke out against Herod's adulterous relationship and it cost him is head. Standing against evil certainly includes voting for someone whose morality and sense of responsibility most closely matches my own. Of course there is always the option of supporting a third party or a write in candidate. But if there is actually someone in office whose practices and policies are reprehensible and it is obvious that as a Christian this person should be confronted, then voting third party is often times a wasted vote since that person will never win and the one whom we most disagree with will certainly win. I would argue that when we have a person who most closely aligns with our perspectives among the two party candidates then any vote that is not given to that person is a wasted vote. Another argument put forth is that by refusing to vote for a Mormon (Mitt Romney) we are calling Christians and non-Christians to stop looking at politics and focus on our certain hope of heaven in Christ. Certainly believers need a greater realization that, “our citizenship is in heaven from which we anxiously await a savior” (Phil.3:20). To whatever degree we are unnecessarily fawning over or anxiously panicking about a candidate or an election is a testimony to our misplaced dependence (Mt. 6:25-34). So should we abstain from voting as a demonstration of faith? I simply do not see that refraining from voting is the only way to express our trust in the Lord. I discipline my children, but I still have to trust in the Lord, because I cannot “make” them into reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ no matter how hard I try. But I do not simply throw my hands in the air and say, it’s all up to the Lord so I’m going to leave everything to Him.” That is failure to fulfill my duty. I could stay home from work and tell others to stay home from work, arguing that if they had faith it would be okay based on the same logic. Throughout scripture we are told that it is our efforts and God’s work. We don’t decide, but God wants us involved in sharing our faith, serving others, submitting to authorities, loving our wives, and I would say voting. Does refusing to vote for a Mormon aid in pointing people to trust in Christ? We certainly want people to repent and come to Christ. Yet we are in this world and called to be salt and light, to let our light shine in the darkness which necessarily involves concerted efforts to confront evil and speak truth. I’m not completely convinced that unborn babies who are being aborted, people who are having their income stolen from them, those who are unemployed, and those whose health care costs are skyrocketing, will consider Christian's abstaining from voting as endearing when we could have voted and possibly changed their circumstances. Of course, it may be that God desires the difficult circumstances to persist in order to drive more people to himself. That is his choice, but ours should be one of obedience. I’m just not convinced that a failure to vote, a failure to do something to stand in the way of runaway evil, injustice, immorality, and incompetence is an expression of faith or an endearing testimony to the world. I would not want any believer to endorse Mormonism for political expediency, but again, it is hardly clear to me how voting for someone who is a Mormon to fill public office (not a church office) amounts to endorsing his/her faith. As for me, I’d rather have a practicing Mormon in the White House than someone who pretends to be a Christian.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Calling it Like it is.

I remember hearing about an umpire who used to brag that when a pitch came into home plate and he had to decide if it was a ball or a strike he would say, "They ain't nothing til I call em." He reserved the right to create his own reality. Unfortunately, the number of people in our society who create their own reality is increasing. With only two weeks to go until the 2012 General Election most of us have been bombarded with so much information that it is dizzying. I've watched some of the debates and the level of dishonesty that I've seen has been very disheartening. I have watched as certain candidates look at the camera and without blinking tell the American people the exact opposite of what is true--"It ain't nothin till they call it." Most recently the American people have been subjected to the grand deception which surrounds the attack of the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Lybia. This is just one of many incidents in which the American people are not being told the truth. As others pass the rampant deception off as "politics" I'm appalled. In the short list of things God hates (Proverbs 6) a "lying tongue" is in the top two. I find myself getting very upset at 1)the telling of lies and 2) the seeming complacency or at least indifference of so many that a blatant lie has just been told that I'm sure I respond in anger rather than in sorrow. Reading in Ezekiel 33:1-11 about God's appointment of Ezekiel as a watchman for the house of Israel it struck me that his message was to warn them of impending doom that was coming upon them because of their wickedness. His duty was to warn the people and if he did so he was not responsible. If he failed to warn them then he would be held accountable. God's people have a message from God--the good news of salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ (Acts 1:8; 2Cor.5:17-21). It is a message of warning that if people don't turn from their sin they will suffer God's judgment. But I noticed in verse 11 that God declares that "I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live." So the purpose of warning, of pointing out the wickedness was to bring about repentance. Notice in 33:11 Ezekiel is to declare, "turn back, turn back from your evil ways! Why then will you die, O house of Israel?" It's one thing to be on watch for other people's sin so that we can piously point it out because we do not sin in that way and we feel good about ourselves--that is Pharisaism. It is quite another thing to be a watchman of sorts and share the truth of the gospel with people, to point out their sin so that they will see that they need to turn from it, trust Christ and live. This second rationale is what God meant for Ezekiel to do. God's heart is always that people repent. God's people are to point out sin so that people will repent. If my approach to those in sin is a desire to see them turn from sin so that they will live--gain new life in Christ--then I will confront sin humbly and graciously. If all I want to do is let people know how much worse they are than me, then I best keep my mouth shut. Lord, as I look around and see so much deception, jealousy, greed, idolatry, and pride I ask that you search me and know me and reveal those sins in my life that I need to repent of. Then would you please give me your heart of mercy so that when I confront sin I do so only so that those confronted will repent and live. Let me take no pleasure in the death of the wicked Lord, but only that they would turn from their way and live.

Friday, October 12, 2012

V.P.'s Confusion on Abortion

As I sat and watched the Vice-Presidential debate last night several things went through my mind, but the one issue that was raised that I wanted to address today is how each man dealt with the issue of abortion. Paul Ryan was clear, concise, and cogent in his answer. He stated that his faith impacts everything he does. He articulated his position that life begins at conception which is the teaching of the Catholic church of which both he and Joe Biden are members. Ryan said that a Romney administration will seek to protect the life of the unborn and would allow for abortions in the cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother being in danger if the pregnancy continued. Joe Biden articulated his longstanding membership in the Catholic church and that he is a devout Catholic who is personally in agreement with the position of the Catholic church which teaches that life begins at conception. Then he qualified his statement by saying, "But I do not seek to impose my beliefs on others. I believe a woman should hae the right to choose what to do with her own body." Now I've heard this sort of double talk from others who seek to appease abortion advocates by saying essentially, "Personally I'm against it, but I don't push my views on others." The perspective espoused by V.P. Biden is terribly problematic. I would submit that for Joe Biden to say, "I'm personally against abortion but don't feel that I have a right to impose my views on others" is intellectually inconsistent and religiously hypocritical. Mr. Biden is saying that he will not impose his moral conviction that abortion is the taking of a life upon others, but through his personal efforts and those of the current administration he imposes the support for abortion on those who supposedly share his personal convictions against it. So Mr. Biden will not impose restrictions on abortion which he says he personally opposes, but he will impose support for abortion on those who oppose it. By support for abortion I'm referring to Federal funding for international abortions (President Obama's very first executive order provided for such funding), the inclusion of abortion provisions in Obama Care, support for Roe vs. Wade and his concern that newly appointed Supreme Court Justices may overturn that decision if a Romney/Ryan ticket wins, his support for HHS Secretary's mandate that contraceptives be provided for in the health care plans of every business in America. Mr. Biden sanctimoniously declares that he will not "impose" abortion restrictions, but he has no qualms whatsoever imposing support for abortion on millions of Americans. His duplicity is revealing. Additionally, the V.P. has no reservation about imposing his moral convictions in other matters on others. For example, he is morally opposed (or seemingly so given the vast energy spent on opposing domestic energy exploration) to utilizing our vast domestic supply of coal, oil, and natural gas resources. He works tirelessly to prevent their use thus imposing his moral will on the rest of the country who believes we should be utilizing these resources to achieve energy independence. Secondly, the V.P. champions without apology a policy of stealing from the rich to give to the poor (euphemistically known as "income redistribution."). Mr. Biden sees income redistribution as a moral imperative. Funny thing that some moral issues are held to so strongly that they impact his policy, but the value of a human life is not one of them. Mr. Biden is not only logically inconsistent but he is a spiritual hypocrite. Paul Ryan stated that his faith impacted every aspect of his life. That is the only thing that a genuine faith can do. James tells us, "faith w/o works is dead"(James 2:20). We only really believe that which motivates us to action. It is a convenient way to frame the discussion to say that a person will not "impose" their views on another, but this is dishonest. Every law is the imposition of morality upon others. The only question is "what morality" will determine the law. The law of the land currently is a law that supports the murder of innocent unborn children. This is a morally reprehensible law, not based upon Scripture, but secular humanism. Mr. Biden cannot at the same time be a devout, practicing Catholic and avid supporter of abortion rights. These two positions are diametrically opposed. Any claim to the contrary creates an inevitable dichotomy that reveals hypocrisy. Mr. Biden says he is against abortion, but the action he has taken in public office does not bear this out. His professed faith is not practiced, thus impugning his profession. If a person believes that life begins at conception and that abortion is the taking of an innocent life, he/she cannot then support the taking of unborn life and require others to do so against their conscience unless he/she is deceived. It is no faith at all that fails to act in a manner consistent with that faith. In the case of Mr. Biden, it is not that he "fails to impose" his views on others that is the problem. No professing Christian imposes their views, but if they truly believe a matter they will of necessity advocate for their view, declare their view, and defend their view. More telling is that Mr. Biden not only fails to advocate for and defend the life of the unborn, but he deliberately advocates for the taking of human life and for coercing others to support this same grizzly business. That's all for now. Steve Smith

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Religious Liberty in Jeopardy

I'm currently reading through Jeremiah during my devotions and came across chapter 12:1"..Why has the way of the wicked prospered? Why are Ll those who deal in treachery at ease?" I must admit that my first thought was of the horrible wickedness and treachery that seems to engulf me as I listen to the news and see those who traffic in these trades prospering. Then my thoughts went to the fact that usually when the question of Jeremiah 12:1 is asked, the answer usually has something to do with--"Look at yourself" I'm thinking Amos 1-2 and Habbakkuk. So I'm reminded to look again at my own heart and repent of sin that the Lord reveals. I'm also reminded to look at the heart of the country in which I live and the world in which I live and seek God' forgiveness for the overwhelming wickedness that surrounds us. I want to come humbly and not self-righteously to seek God's refining work in me and His redemptive work in others. One of the many manifestations of wickedness that saddens me deeply is the erosion of religious liberty in America. Over the past four years particularly disturbing developments have caught my attention and serve as the basis for my thoughts today. First of all, I'm concerned that preaching the truth of God's Word may soon be considered "Hate Speech" or "unprotected speech." Some background for my concern is necessary. When the Iowa Supreme Court declared the 1998 Defense of Marriage Act (that defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman) unconstitutional a few years ago it basically legislated from the bench a new law in Iowa. They legalized civil unions between same sex partners. But what about those of us who believe strongly that the Bible clearly forbids same sex marriage (Gen.2:24-25; Genesis 19:6-11; Romans 1:24-27; 1Cor.6:9)? Will our commitment to proclaim the truth about what constitutes sin (i.e. same sex marriage) be deemed "hate speech"? There is no desire to single out one offense against God over against other sins. Our desire is to lovingly call all sinners to repent of their sins, but that necessitates identifying their sin. Christ died to pay the price for sin so that we could be forgiven and be restored into right relationship with God. The rising tide of political correctness may just lead to a point at which it is deemed necessary to silence all who speak against what the "elite" determine to be acceptable. You think I'm over-reacting? Well consider events from recent history--the recent uprisings across the globe targeting U.S. embassies, their personnel and American Citizens. Think Lybia, Egypt, Pakistan for starters. The President, his Press Secretary Jay Carney, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. recently set about on a planned public relations mission to deliberately deceive the American people regarding the reason for, the nature of, and the implications of the recent embassy attacks. The "talking point" was that some obscure movie trailer from YouTube had incited these attacks and that they were not coordinated, planned; that the perpetrators weren't angry with America or Americans, neither were the attacks reflective on the current U.S. foreign policy. Now we all know that these "talking points" were all blatantly untrue. Yet, the mantra about "the movie" that stirred the uprising ( a movie by the way that many of the people interviewed that were involved in the uprising have never seen or heard about) continues to the point that high level discussions are being held to the end that any comment made that could incite others to anger would be considered "unprotected speech" like yelling "fire" and inciting panic when there is no fire. I'm not making this up. Listen to what Mike Huckabee said, "But some of our intelligentsia have a solution. In an L.A. Times op-ed, Sarah Chayes of the Carnegie Endowment suggests we should declare insulting Muslims to be unprotected speech, like yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. She argues speech should be illegal if you know it will spark a violent reaction." This would mean that any information about another religion whether factual or not could be considered illegal if it would incite someone. That's pretty scary stuff. I find it more than ironic that the current administration has been in "full court press" mode to make sure that those supposedly offended or who could potentially be offended by what was in this movie understand that everything is being done to create a climate of tolerance. This basically amounts to apologizing for Freedom of Speech. I'm not saying that I agree with crude, rude, vulgar, or untrue statements that are made by others about what matters most to them. I am a champion of civility. But the same people preaching tolerance of Islam are the same people who want the name of God removed from their party platfrom, references to God and Jesus banned from graduation ceremonies, and prayer forbidden in school. They are first to defend placing a cross in a bottle full of urine as "Art" and a freedom of expression protected by the 1st Amendment. Religious liberties are also threatened by the current Health Care legislation as Secretary of HHS requires people of faith to violate their conscience and religious convictions by providing health care coverage for employees which covers birth control pills including those that cause abortions. Recently the owners of "Hobby Lobby" were reluctantly driven to file a suit against the federal government in order to seek exemption from this mandate. The owners are believers and feel it unbiblical to provide for abortion causing contraceptives for their employees. So it is time to wake up and see what is happening and to pray for wisdom guidance and courage in the days ahead. Of course I encourage every person of faith to support those candidates who truly support what God teaches and to oppose those who don't. I also encourage us to oppose anyone who is party to removing our Religious Liberties.

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's Definitely Time to Pray

As I sat in my office earlier last week after listening to clips from speeches that were aired covering the latest political convention I was stunned, sobered, and set back. I realized in a fresh way that it is truly time to pray for our leaders, to repent of our national sins, to pray for truth to be seen, for justice to prevail, for wickedness to be revealed, for people in this country to turn back to God, not merely invoke His name as a secret code in hopes that by doing so He will bless us. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness...” (Is.5:20). Did I actually hear people publicly promoting, advocating, and championing the taking of the unborn under the guise of “women’s rights?” YES. There are 1.2 million abortions a year in America. President Obama has proven not merely to lend passive acceptance but active promotion to this scourge on our country. His record proves that he favors the taking of unborn life and he voted two times to block legislation that would provide for the care of infants born after a botched abortion. He also disregards our religious liberties and requires persons of faith to violate their conscience and abandon their principles through their support of abortion in His signature legislation--"Obama Care." Each year Planned Parenthood receives millions of tax dollars to fund their abortion mills. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sabelius recently ordered (her prerogative under the new Health Care Bill) that every business provide for contraceptives including abortion inducing contraceptives as part of the health care coverage for employees. To fuel the fire even further Sandra Fluke--law student dubbed poster child for the Administration’s “support for women” campaign--gave a speech heralding the necessity of government funded contraception as if supporting her promiscuity is now our collective responsibility. Of course the grizzly business of abortion is an evil we call good under the guise of promoting women's rights. It seems that when the President’s support for women is praised it refers only to his support for women who agree with his pro-abortion agenda and has nothing to do with pro-life women and those millions of unborn females who have been aborted. God’s word is clear that we are created in His image (Gen.1:26-27), life begins at conception (Ps.139:13-17); taking a life is a horrible sin (Gen.9:6). Did I get this right that a reference to God was expunged from a Party Platform? YES! Nobody is told that they have to put God in their platform. Since the majority of Americans would say that they believe in God to include His name in a party platform seems logical. But to Remove God from the platform must necessarily have been a reflection of conviction. The party must predominantly see itself as godless in world-view. Only amidst an uproar from people in the country was God put back in the platform. This happened in a most embarrassing and hostile display as rarely seen before on the national scene. For a vast number of those attending their worldview is godless. This should be very disturbing for those of us who realize that the viability of our republican form of government depends upon a “religious people” (meaning a Judeo-Christian people who believe in God). What a testimony to the secularization of our country that a major political party would be so adamant about eliminating mention of God. Reinstating God’s name with such contention seems clearly to reveal that doing so was not a matter of overwhelming conviction but one of political pandering and appeasement. And to think that the same folks who were so cantankerous, obnoxious, and upset over reinstating the name of God have been virtually silent in condemning the recent attacks on our U.S. embassies and personnel overseas including the death of at least four Americans by people who are doing so in the name of their god. This seems obviously duplicitous and hypocritical to me. Did I hear the President say, “Divine Providence is on our side”? YES I did. What a bold statement when so many of the President’s policies are in direct violation of God’s will and way. To invoke Divine approval and consent on the direction of a political party and His presidency is dangerous at best and deceptive at worst. The speeches and the party platform and the practices of the current administration reveal that they not only accept, but advocate abortion--the taking of unborn life. They not only condone, but celebrate homosexuality. They not only proclaim, but practice robbery euphemistically labelled “redistribution of income.” God does not champion but condemns the taking of human life (Gen.9:6). God does not champion but condemns perversion (Romans 1:24-27; 1Cor.6:9). God does not champion but condemns stealing (Ex.20:15). Mandatory income redistribution is actually a form EXTORTION and TYRANNY. God DOES CHAMPION VOLUNTARY INCOME REDISTRIBUTION (2Cor.8-9) but NOT MANDATORY REDISTRIBUTION by the government. Did I hear numerous people say that we are better off than we were four years ago and that the economy is turning around? YES, that is what I heard and NO that is not the case. By every economic measure the vast majority of people in the United States are worse off than we were four years ago. Gas prices are double, food prices up 15 % GDP has dropped, fewer people are working, unemployment is over 8%, national debt rose 5 trillion, our Stock rating was reduced, median income fell to 1995 levels, and I could go on. My point is not to argue about what is the best plan for the economy, but to highlight the level of blatant deception that characterizes our country. It is extremely disturbing to hear the "spin" coming from the White House and the media in regard to the latest attacks on U.S. personnel. We have four people dead in Lybia and the White House Press secretary has the audacity to tell us that this has nothing to do with Anti-American Sentiment or U.S. Foreign policy. We have the President of Lybia telling us that the attack was a coordinated assault by terrorists while the White House line completely different. Evidence is overwhelming that this was a premeditated retaliation deliberately done on 9/11/12. The protestors in every case are burning the American Flag and shouting "Death to America." And we are to believe that their hostilities are not directed at America or Americans? The LIES we are told either indicate Ignorance that bespeaks incompetence or Intentional deception that insults our intelligence. There is a way to turn our moral degeneracy around. “...and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2Chronicles 7:14).

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We Will Not Forget

Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center was attacked? I remember watching in disbelief as the second tower was impaled by an airplane and then as both towers incinerated before my eyes crumbling to the ground in a pile of ash. I remember being horrified at the thought of how many people who were instantly incinerated. I remember being shocked at watching people jumping to their death from 40 stories. I remember the fear on the faces of American citizens running down the streets of New York to escape the ominous cloud of ash that engulfed them. I remember the pentagon being hit and then the report of flight 93 that went down in Pennsylvania. In the same way that my grandfather remembers the bombing of Pearl Harbor as a "day that will live in infamy" so I will remember 911 as a day that will live in infamy. In a series of terrorist acts over 3,000 Americans and some visitors from other countries lost their lives...souls ushered into eternity without warning. As the ash cloud cleared two steel girders that remained standing but badly damaged formed a cross--a symbol of hope. Following the attacks there was a serious surge in spiritual interest. The frailty of our humanity and our vulnerability was exposed and people turned to God. At least for a while. It was, as we now know, a fleeting fit of spiritual interest. Sadly, our country did not experience widespread repentance and returning to reliance upon God. People initially went to church looking for answers but many did not stick around long enough to hear. Twelve years later the sorrow of that day is remembered. The countless lives, the fathers, mothers, children, parents, separated from the ones they love is deeply moving. I hope that we will pause to pray for the people who lost their loved ones, to appreciate our public servants who risk their lives each day to keep us safe, to thank the numerous federal, state, county, and local workers who have been on duty since then to safeguard us. I also hope that we will take time to ask, "And what of America Now?" Are we only going to pat ourselves on the back for the advancements we've made in technology to keep us safe, or on the wonderful monuments to the people who lost their lives? And there is nothing wrong with a certain degree of appreciation for those things. But what of our SOUL? Have we taken stock in the direction our country is headed? Have we sobered up enough to realize our own frailty and depravity? It seems to me that we have a great responsibility to inform people of how they can be prepared to die, be prepared to move into eternity at any moment because our future is as uncertain as it was on 911. Oh we may have better preparedness against a terrorist attack in some areas, but our demise may not be from a terrorist. We have the life-changing message of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone that is the only real preparation for entering eternity joyfully. Lord, help us to point people to You--"Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest" (Mt.11:28). Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me" (Jn.14:6). May we remember that death is not something to fear, but something to prepare for. If trust Christ's death as the payment for our sins then we can truly be forgiven and have the promise of eternal life. For all of the families of the survivors we pray for Comfort. For all of the survivors we pray for Conversion.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Unalienable Right #1 is LIFE

I was deeply saddened to hear a clip from the President of the National Abortion Rights Action League heralding President Barack Obama as someone who really cares about the women in this country. The comment insinuated that Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney doesn't really care about women. What constitutes "caring for women?" From the perspective of those who support the taking of human life during abortion, President Barack Obama is their chief advocate. From his first day in office he has made it known that he is an avid supporter of abortion when he signed an executive order providing federal funds to pay for them. Even before he was elected President he had proven that in his mind the life of an unborn child is expendable. Carol Tobias, President of National Right to Life states. “Not only has Barack Obama heartlessly refused to support a ban on sex-selection abortion and late-term abortions past the point at which unborn children feel pain, he voted four times to deny constitutional protection to children born alive after a failed abortion – preferring to leave their fate to the abortionist who, only moments before, sought to kill them.” Each year there are 1.2 million abortions in the U.S. God's Word is very clear that human life begins at conception (Ps.139:13-15: Jer.1:5) and that taking a life is detestable (Gen.9:6). It is deeply troubling that support for a procedure that leaves one person emotionally scarred and the other party dead can be "spun" so that it is heralded as caring for women. Statistically half of all abortions are females. Which means that 600,000 female lives are willingly, knowingly, and proudly disposed of each year. Are we suppose to understand this as a demonstration of the current President and administration CARING??? I hardly think so. I find the current administrations open support for abortion and their direction of federal funds to support abortions (U.N. funding, Obama Care, Planned Parenthood) deplorable, reprehensible, and unconscionable, but not Caring. I guess the only women for whom CARE applies are those outside the womb. To our peril we remain silent, remain complicit, remain supportive of the evil of abortion. To care for women who are pregnant and don't want to be is to provide them with counseling and support that preserves both the emotional health of the mother and the life of the baby. It also includes assistance in helping with having some of the babies adopted. To care is to offer the love and forgiveness that Christ affords to those who are scarred and torn up by a prior abortion (2Cor.5:21; Ephesians 1:7).

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Lord Reigns; let the earth rejoice

So many things happening in our lives right now. Much of the United States is experiencing a serious drought with many regions of the country 5-15 inches below normal in their annual rainfall totals. Hurricane Isaac just ravaged the Gulf Coast and left devastation, destruction, and discouragement in its wake. One parties political convention is past and another one is about to begin as things heat up for the upcoming election. Unemployment, fuel prices, and food costs still remain high and no relief appears to be in sight. Many in this country are discouraged and disillusioned, but there is reason to remain hopeful. The Psalmist reminds us, "The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; Let the many islands be glad in the Lord, you righteous ones; and give thanks to His holy name"(Psalm 97:1,12). In between verses 1 and 12 are many reasons to rejoice and be glad. God's control over nature is proclaimed in verses 2-6. In verses 7-9 those who worship idols are challenged to "Worship Him..." (vs.7) because He is "The Lord Most High over all the earth" (vs.9). These verses encourage me to keep perspective. It is easy to get discouraged given all of the turmoil in the world. Last week I was privileged to preach the funeral of a 22 year old young man who leaves behind a wife and two young daughters. Three days later I officiated at a wedding of two young people in the throes of love. What a contrast in emotions. What a very different place each of these families found themselves in. Life seemed so conflicted for me last week. How could this be? One family with heart-wrenching pain and the other in the heights of joy and bliss? Such is life for us...sadness and disappointment one minute and wonderful joy the next. With all the chaos, confusion, and contrasts of life everyone who is trusting in Christ as Savior has this firm confidence--God is ruling over it all. He is in charge and the wrongs of today will be "righted" someday. While our particular circumstance may not be joyful still we can be thankful because first of all, we are redeemed, forgiven, pardoned and secondly, we will one day be in heaven where there will be no more sadness, sorrow, or injustice. So I was encouraged today to read--"The Lord reigns; let the earth glad in the Lord, you righteous ones..." Every Child of God can be glad in the Lord--in our relationship with Him--because we are forgiven and our future is certain. Blessings, Steve

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The NBA playoffs are in full swing right now and quite frankly, "I really don't care." A friend of mine asked me the other day if I'd seen the Celtics game and I said, "I didn't even know they were playing." When it comes to the NBA I'm indifferent at best and antagonistic at worst. I just don't see the point and I'm very much opposed to much of the antics. I liken my attitude towards the NBA to what I'm perceiving the attitude of many in the church is towards serious outreach into our communities--our inactivity reveals our apathy. In the church I happen to serve we are at least giving lip service to our desire to become more intentional in outreach and yet as we talk about the opportunities and possible involvement in outreach activities those who listen repeatedly have that "deer in the headlights" look. I've been thinking and praying about why this is and I wonder if the folks in church just don't see a real reason to sacrifice what is safe, comfortable, and routine for the mess of entering into people's lives in an attempt to rescue them from the Kingdom of darkness. So I want to share at least three significant reasons why I believe that each of us should be willing to "take up our cross daily" and make some sacrifices to bring the gospel to people not only around the world, but in our own neighborhoods. First of all, we are COMMANDED to make disciples--"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." (Mt.28:19). Last time I checked obedience was a litmus test of our love for Christ--see John 14:21. The one who loves Christ will keep His commands and making disciples is certainly at the top of the list. I want to be careful not to become judgmental of people who are not involved in the ministries of disciple making that I deem most important. I think making disciples begins with communicating the gospel through our words and works. Therefore, I think that at some level every true believer should be involved in sharing the Gospel in these ways. We do not all need to be involved in the evangelism process through the same means/methods. In fact, I would argue that uniformity in our approach is not what pleases the Lord. The question isn't what method we use, but whether we are using any method? Can someone truly be a believer in Christ and never take any steps to reach out to the lost around him/her with the Gospel of Christ? As we review our list of activities for the summer are we using any time for sharing Christ? This doesn't have to be joining an "Evangelism Explosion" initiative in our church although that would be a good thing. But it could be an intentional effort to make our "bleacher ministry" redemptive--to intentionally engage those we sit next to at ball games in spiritual conversations. Or it could be that we are praying for the opportunity to share Christ with those we find our camper parked next to at the RV park while on vacation. I believe it should certainly include some participation in the ministries of our local church directed at reaching the lost locally, regionally, and/or internationally. Secondly, we are to be CONTROLLED by the love of Christ--2Cor. 5:14-15. Paul's words in this section are certainly instructive. As the great apostle pondered what Christ had done for Him he was compelled out of gratitude to "live for the one who died and rose again on our behalf." I'm doubtful that most of us have given prolonged and serious contemplation to the Cross of Christ and what that means for us. It would require a realization of our abject destitute condition, that we were subject to the unrelenting and unraveling wrath of God, and that by Christ's glorious substitutionary death our sentence of destruction has been averted and we are forgiven. For all who by grace through faith embrace Christ's death in their place new life, reconciliation with God has been accomplished. There is no greater news. Those gripped by God's mercy are compelled to live for Him fully. Certainly that means sacrifice personally so others can be exposed to this marvelous message. But I see our schedules filling up with ball games, NASCAR races to watch, golf games to be played, video games, TV, movies, boating, countless weekends of camping, every spare moment touring on our new motorcycle, traveling incessantly to see our children and our grandchildren. Don't get me wrong, these things all have their place--Except maybe watching NASCAR--just kidding :). What concerns me is that increasingly I see professing believers so driven by their schedules that there is no margin for ministry, no place for professing Christ. If we are using each of the aforementioned activities as a platform for sharing then my assessment is faulty. What I fear is that we are neither using our plethora of activities for ministry nor are we cutting back enough to find time for sharing Christ and showing Christ personally. I know a couple who are grandparents who have left their family behind to share Christ in one of the spiritually darkest places on the planet. They are not living their retirement years worshipping their children or grandchildren, chasing around to their countless activities deluded into thinking that doing so is the best way to leave a legacy. I'm not saying that everyone should move to a different country to engage in ministry and leave their family behind. What I am saying is that when the love of Christ controls us we will make decisions that put serving the Lord, engaging in ministry above our interests, preference, and desires will be done out of love for Christ. I think that far too much of what we are chasing in America smacks of idolatry that is sanitized under the guise of Christian duty (i.e. God wants me to take care of my family). I'd suggest that our children will learn a great deal about faith, courage, the goodness and greatness of God when they see us and join us in ministry that doesn't always cater to their whims and fancies. When we miss a few ball games to go out into the community or travel overseas to share Christ in a foreign country it points them to a purpose eternal and a God who is glorious. And is He not worth it. What can we sacrifice for Him more than what He has sacrificed for us? Finally, Our CONCERN for God's glory serves as a constraining influence to sacrifice for the sake of bringing the Gospel to the lost around us. Revelation 5 pictures the LAMB who is worthy taking the scroll out of God's hand and to break the seals (5:5). The Lamb is Jesus who was "slain,and did purchase for God with Your blood men from every tribe, and tongue and people and nation" (5:9).God is at work to bring men from all over the world to Himself and as we partner in that work He receives glory. We are gloriously enabled to be a part of God's grand plan to redeem lost mankind. He doesn't need us, but chooses to use us in His Sovereign plan to reconcile lost men to Himself. I want to be part of that grand effort to bring Him glory. So as we have various opportunities--VBS, Community Parade, Sharing in Our Communities, Block Parties,etc., I hope we will not dismiss them as I would an NBA playoff game. I pray that the COMMAND of Christ, being CONTROLLED by the love of Christ, and our CONCERN for the glory of God will encourage us to make some tough choices, to sacrifice our preferences and to take the gospel to those around us.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

You can't drive anywhere or listen to the radio or watch T.V. in the U.S. without realizing that there are elections coming up. Some state and local elections are being held in June with the national elections coming up in November. As I read 2Chronicles 7:14 again the other day "and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" it made me think about what is happening in our country. The verse comes after Solomon had dedicated the temple and the Lord appeared to him and assured him that the Lord had heard his prayer. Additionally, God told Solomon that if there was drought, disaster, or disease which came upon the nation (Israel) due to their wickedness (i.e. God's punishment for their sin) and the people of God humbled themselves, then God would hear, forgive, and heal. Since the promise is given to God's people I believe the application can be made to God's people today as well. If believers across America will humble themselves, and pray, and seek God's face and turn from THEIR wicked ways, then the Lord will hear, forgive and heal. So maybe we should take some time during this critical election cycle to stop each day, to pray, to confess our own sins and those of our country, to humble ourselves before God and seek His face. Steadily the influence of Christianity is waning in America. Greed, deception, dishonesty, corruption, immorality, and perversity dominate our culture. Only as believers pray, and participate in the process can we shine the light of truth into the dark world in which we live. Take some time each day to pray for our country, for the upcoming elections, for believers to actually vote according to Biblical convictions and priorities, for us to turn from self-indulgence, and yield in obedience to God's Word. God is still in control. He desires that we humble ourselves and recognize our dependence upon Him. He also wants us to exercise our influence in the culture, to speak up for truth, to speak out against wickedness, to live with integrity, and to obey God's Word. We are called upon in 2Chronicles 7:14 to pray and in 1Timothy 2. May we commit each day to spend even 1 minute in prayer for our country, for our sins to be evident, to confess, and repent, for evil to be exposed and punished, for truth to prevail and for God to heal our land.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Trust His Heart

I sat down in the chair in my office this morning feeling overwhelmed with all that was running through my mind. Preparations to do, people to contact, plans for the future to implement, places to go, personal needs of those in the congregation that are numerous, the challenges faced by my own children, my utter sense of inadequacy in dealing with any of what faces me. It struck me that I should be constantly in a state of utter dependence, because the fact is that I am totally inadequate to do anything apart from the Lord's grace.

Psalm 135:5-6 caught my eye, "For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, He does. In heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps." The first question I asked myself is, "Do I really believe this?" As I consider all that is going on in my life and in the world...the chaos, conflict, confusion, and corruption, do I truly believe that the Lord is Sovereign doing as He pleases? The second question I asked is, "Am I okay with what the Lord pleases to do?" My frail and fallen humanity questions God when I deal with people going in for cancer surgery, dealing with marital strife, losing loved ones at an early age. But the truth of Psalm 135:5-6 is the anchor that holds me firm in these storms of life--God is in Control--and I am called upon to trust Him. As the song writer states, "When I don't understand, when I can't trace His hand, trust His heart." And I only need to look to the Cross of Calvary to understand the Father's deep deep love and know that whatever "the Lord Pleases" and therefore does what seems other than "good" in my book is merely a problem that I have. For God is in control and He is truly at work to do what is best for His people even when what happens seems so utterly far from what we would call good. When I'm overwhelmed I am brought face to face with the reality of my humanity and need for dependence upon a Good and Gracious and Sovereign God. I can't and don't have to understand His ways, I only need to trust His heart.

Father, I do believe, I only ask that you would help me in my unbelief.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Heart Like Hezekiah

Yesterday I was convicted of my own struggles to remain completely focused on the Lord in every aspect of my life, to yield absolute control to the Lord, to turn away from any and every form of Idolatry. I saw in the Kings of Israel complete rebellion and in some of the Kings of Judah commitment to the Lord that was less than absolute. As I read 2Kings 18 a "diamond in the rough" appears in the person of Hezekiah. His father was one of the worst Kings of Judah (Ahaz) and yet we read that Hezekiah "did right in the sight of the Lord...He removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars..." (2Kings 18:3-4). He was a King who trusted fully in the Lord, "so that after him there was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor month those who were before him" (2Kings 18:5). The next verse is the crown jewel description of Hezekiah and serves as a prize that every child of God would want to possess. "For he clung to the Lord; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the Lord had commanded Moses" (vs.6).

All I can say is, "Lord give me a heart like Hezekiah, a heat that is totally sold out for you. Lord, please reveal anything that rivals you in my life so that I can repent and remain true to you.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Divided Loyalty

For many who read the Bible the only sections more difficult to trudge through than the genealogies are those that contain the records of the rise and fall of the various kings in Israel and Judah. I've been reading through 1 and 2 Kings recently and there is no shortage of Kings who reigned in Israel and Judah for a certain number of years. Many are sons of the former King, some took their throne by force, others were forced into the throne. What we do know is that NONE of the Kings of Israel--Northern Tribes--was good. In fact, most of them "did evil in the sight of the Lord;" and "did not turn away from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat..." (2King 13:11). Jeroboam promoted idolatry in Israel making two golden calves declaring, "behold your gods, O Israel, that brought you up from the land of Egypt" (1Kings 12:28). He placed one of the calves at Dan and the other at Bethel so that the people would not go down to Jerusalem to worship. He instituted blatant idolatry which his successors continued. But there were some good Kings in Judah (the southern tribes). Recently I was struck by the fact that within the span of four chapters (2Kings 12-15) there were three of these Kings about which it is written that they "did right in the sight of the Lord...Only the high places were not taken away; the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places" (2Kings 12:2-3; 14:3-4; 15:34-35). While this repetition can seem like just another instance of God's people living in rebellion (and it is that for sure), it caught my attention because I saw that these were very good kings, but they were divided in their loyalty. They meant well, they were seeking to please God, they were to be commended for their steadfastness. Yet they had a serious flaw--a divided heart. For some reason they just couldn't bring the people to cut all ties with idolatry, with pagan rituals, and serve the true God wholeheartedly.

As I was on my morning walk mulling this around in my brain, it struck me that I have behaved just like these kings. I have been seeking the Lord, trying to live for Him, serving Him for many years and yet, there have been various idols/idolatrous practices that I have been slow to eradicate from my life. I began to think about my life and the "high places" that I have "sacrificed to and burned incense on." There was my penchant for collecting farm toys, my love of sports (participating and watching) and the effort put into seeing that my children succeeded (at least in part it was a quest for me to gain approval vicariously through them--yeah, I know it is not pretty), a desire to own property (I went to a farm auction once, but the bidding quickly went beyond my resources) that for a while preoccupied my thoughts, and other things that stood/stand in the way of whole-hearted devotion to the Lord.

It was a sobering walk as I saw in my heart idols that I had/have not fully eliminated. So it was time to confess my sin and rejoice in God's gracious forgiveness and mercy. I know the battle still rages for unswerving devotion to the Lord and I'm thankful for the message of 2Kings in these verses that remind me that it's possible to do what is right in the sight of the Lord and still have strongholds of sin that need to be eradicated.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Converting Terrorists

I was challenged recently by a message I heard from 1Timothy chapter one. Listen to the apostle Paul's own self analysis from verse 15. "It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all." By all standards Paul was as hostile towards Christianity as any modern day terrorist. He gave hearty approval when Stephen was stoned (Acts 8:1). From that time on a great persecution of the church took place. Acts 8:3 says, "But Saul began ravaging the church, entering house after house, and dragging off men and women, he would put them in prison." It is this violent persecutor of the church to whom God extended His mercy. God did this so that Paul would be a prime example of God's great grace. Paul's conversion to Christianity is an amazing testimony to the power of the Gospel to save. Our underestimation of the power of the Gospel keeps us from sharing it boldly, freely, simply. We either believe we must alter it to make it more palatable and acceptable or we simply do not share it at all. I'm convicted that i am not more bold to interject the truth of the Gospel into my everyday conversations with greater frequency. I was challenged to think about the person I believed to be most unlikely to become a believer. Is the Gospel powerful enough to reach that person? Of course. The Gospel is powerful enough to reach the most vile of sinners. Dare I forget how rebellious I am at the core and God saved me? So I'm thinking about the power of the Gospel (Romans 1;16-17) and the need I have to share the Gospel more freely and more simply. I cannot reach people for Christ. I can only bring Christ to people and God will do His work in them. So I'm asking what I can do to get close to the people in my sphere of influence who are hostile to the Gospel. What steps will I take personally to get close to those who so desperately need God's mercy. I'm praying for boldness, open doors, open hearts of those who hear, and for me to open my mouth with the powerful Gospel.