Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Who is this Guy?

Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat while a storm was raging on the sea (Matthew 8:23-27). I am still baffled by how anyone could be sleeping as the boat was tossing, the waves were crashing over the sides, and a bunch of seasoned fishermen were freaking out screaming at each other to keep bailing water and keep rowing for shore. But Jesus is right there sleeping and the disciples, who had just witnessed him heal a leper, heal a paralytic, heal Peter's mother-in-law, and cast out many demons and heal others (Mt.8:1-17), decided it was time to wake Jesus. "Save us Lord, we are perishing." The situation was desperate. Three rebukes follow that are instructive. 1. Jesus rebukes the disciple's for their lack of faith. Did they not believe that with Jesus with them they were secure? Easy for us to cast stones, but how often are we "freaking out" because the circumstances we find ourselves in seem so perilous, so terrible? Well, maybe that hasn't happened to you yet, but it will. These are the times when what we say we believe is put to the test. 2. Jesus Rebuked the winds and they stopped immediately. Coincidence? No.I live in Iowa and the wind blows all of the time. There is a reason why we have so many wind mills here. Sustained winds of at least 12mph are needed to turn the huge props on these massive wind turbines. The number of days the wind does NOT blow at least 12 mph in a year can be counted on both hands using one finger to mark each day. A raging storm and the wind stopped instantly. That happens only in nature during a tornado or cyclone when the "eye" passes. The storm here did not start up again. This was different. It was divine intervention. 3. He rebuked the sea... "It became perfectly calm." This is a startling statement as it defies all the laws of nature/physics. I've been on a lake when the water was choppy and that movement of the water molecules will continue for several minutes even after the wind dies down. Something supernatural took place and the disciples knew it. Notice that the men were afraid during the storm-- "we are perishing." But they were even more afraid when the storm stopped. "The men marveled saying, What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?" (Mt.8:27). This kind of man is the God-Man, Jesus who is worthy of our praise, adoration, devotion, and worship. Take some time to ponder what sort of man this is who calms the wind and the waves. He is the sort of man who died on the cross to pay for our sins and provide us the opportunity for new life in Him. He is worthy of our trust. I don't know what storms assail you, what trouble confronts you, what hardship faces you, but I know someone who cares and who is worthy of you trust as you walk through the dark valleys.

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